
Do you want a killer tool for editing PDFs and converting them to Word? It works locally and is free

Do you want a killer tool for editing PDFs and converting them to Word?  It works locally and is free

The market is full of dozens of tools for edit PDF. The achievable results, however, often do not live up to expectations and also convert to Word a document can be a truly complex operation. Stirling-PDF it is a powerful platform self-hosted (i.e. capable of operating entirely locally) designed for advanced management of PDF files.

This innovative tool allows users to perform a wide range of actions on PDF documents: adding text, images and notes, cleaning up scans, extracting text from images (OCR), changing the size and scaling of pages, converting from one format to another, removing unnecessary elements and much more.

The main advantage of Stirling-PDF is that everything works locallyat zero cost and without the need to exchange a single bit of data on the cloud.

What is Stirling-PDF and how does it work

Stirling-PDF is a versatile solution that allows users to manage and manipulate their own file PDF in an efficient and personalized way. Thanks to its intuitive web interface, Stirling-PDF offers a wide range of advanced features for working with PDF documents quickly and accurately.

The GPL 3.0 license indicates that Stirling-PDF is free software, not just an open source application. Users can use it without having to submit to any limitations and it is therefore possible to use Stirling-PDF even in commercial environments.

The program comes in the form of container Docker: this means that it comes in the form of a “container” that can be installed and used on any operating system. The container (which is currently based on Alpine Linux) hosts everything you need to to develop a PDF without compromises.

Manipulate PDF with Stirling-PDF

Optimize PDF document management with Stirling-PDF

Stirling-PDF is the ultimate solution for all your PDF needs PDF management. Whether you’re looking to edit, convert, protect or optimize documents, Stirling-PDF offers a wide range of intuitive features to streamline any workflow.

Advanced pipeline

One of the distinguishing features of Stirling-PDF is its ability to perform a variety of actions on multiple PDFs at the same time, thanks to the powerful functionality of pipeline.

Users can create and customize scripts that allow them to automate the work and save precious time.

All-in-one tool for PDF documents

Thanks to Stirling-PDF, users have complete control over the pages that make up any PDF. Yes they can unitesplit, rotate and reorder pages with maximum ease. You can also add page numbers, adjust colors and contrast, and even convert PDFs to images and vice versa.

The platform gives the opportunity to crop PDFsremove some pages, compress PDF to make it easier to manage, especially when documents need to be sent via email or shared on the cloud.

Integrated security

The security of PDF documents is often an essential aspect. Thus, Stirling-PDF offers advanced options for encryption and document protection, allowing the addition or removal of passwords, the enforcement of watermark (watermark) and the removal of sensitive information such as annotations and comments. It is also possible to affix digital signatures leveraging a key certificate (PEM/P12).

With a simple click, you can possibly neutralize and delete everything codice JavaScript as well as removing interactive elements and forms present in the PDF file.

The tool called Automatic editing, allows you to automatically and securely hide all personal information contained in the PDF. For added security, PDF pages can be converted to images.

Versatile conversion

With Stirling-PDF, the conversion of yours documents PDF in other formats becomes a real breeze. The platform allows you to easily convert i PDF in file Word, presentations, text, HTML, XML and much more. Furthermore, it is possible extract tables from PDF and convert them to CSV files with just a few clicks.

For the purposes of preservation of documents In the long term, Stirling-PDF also automates the conversion procedures to the PDF/A format.

Additional features

Still, Stirling-PDF offers a wide range of additional features to satisfy the most advanced needs. From the document cleaning to PDF overlay, information extraction and automatic text editing, Stirling-PDF has everything you need.

Particularly useful are the functions that allow you to create layout multipaginacombining the contents of multiple pages of the PDF, and comparing the contents of multiple files so as to highlight the main differences.

How to install Stirling-PDF with Docker

Given that, thanks to the use of a Docker container, Stirling-PDF can be used on any system, below we explain how to install the platform on a system Ubuntu Linux.

First of all, one must provideDocker installation then downloading and configuring the Stirling-PDF container.

Installing Docker on Ubuntu

An essential requirement to use Stirling-PDF is the installation of Docker. On an Ubuntu system, you can proceed by issuing the following commands.
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y

sudo apt install apt-transport-https ca-certificates curl software-properties-common -y

curl -fsSL | sudo gpg --dearmor -o /usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg

echo "deb [arch=$(dpkg --print-architecture) signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/docker-archive-keyring.gpg] $(lsb_release -cs) stable" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list > /dev/null

sudo apt update

apt-cache policy docker-ce

sudo apt install docker-ce -y

The various commands above update the list of available packages and software installed on the system, install the necessary packages, download the official Docker GPG key to verify the authenticity of the containers, add the Docker repository to the list of those devices, display package version information Docker-ce available in the repository and finally install Docker Community Edition (CE).

Add Stirling-PDF as a Docker container

The following simple command allows you to download the Stirling-PDF platform by configuring the corresponding Docker container:

docker run -d \
-p 8080:8080 \
-v /location/of/trainingData:/usr/share/tessdata \
-v /location/of/extraConfigs:/configs \
-v /location/of/logs:/logs \
-e LANGS=it_IT \
--name stirling-pdf \

The directives we have imposed require prior access to the Stirling-PDF Web platform authentication with username and password. To access Stirling-PDF, just type in the address bar of your web browser, the IP address of the machine on which you have installed the platform followed by :8080.

Stirling-PDF web interface address

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