
Google Photos, new cinematic effects arrive to improve videos

Google Photos, new cinematic effects arrive to improve videos

Google Photo it is certainly one of the best apps for managing multimedia files on Android, and this regardless of the fact that it is installed on all devices. In fact, the app makes it pleasant to relive all your dearest memories with very practical tools and options, such as an archive and a basket inside.

The app also has powerful editing features like Portrait blur, Unblur e Magic Eraser, which help to make even the most approximate and imprecise shots of a memorable event better. Although the platform is already very powerful, it seems that Google is developing another tool editing video called Cinematic Moment.

In reality, a similar option is already available within Google Photos but in the section Utility of the application and for images. When converting a simple image into a cinematic photo, the service uses depth data to create a short clip that shows the foreground subject moving slowly against the background, thus creating a true parallax effect.

Google Photos is preparing a new Cinematic feature

Google may call the new upcoming feature Cinematic Moment. According to what was revealed by the source who discovered this new addition, it seems that Google intends to add a new possibility. Users will be able to apply an effect slow motion to a specific segment of the video.

At the moment it is not possible to update manually and at the same time it is not even known when Google will offer it for everyone. In any case, this feature will be very useful: users will be able to avoid struggling to record large slow motion videos as they will be able to edit them perfectly after shooting them normally.

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