
Smartphone X coming soon, Elon Musk’s alternative to the Apple Intelligence of the iPhone

In recent days Apple has announced the arrival of great news in the iPhone universe. These are the new iOS 18 operating system, which will bring with it big changes to all the company’s smartphones, and Apple Intelligence, a technology based on artificial intelligence that will be implemented on the most recent Apple devices and which will allow users to carry out numerous activities with simplicity and speed. The other competitors, after learning what is about to happen, they don’t intend to remain idle. Elon Musk is already ready to make his move to challenge Apple: the launch of Smartphone

The intention of Elon Musk to develop a mobile device alternative to iPhones and Android devices had already been known for some time, but now the entrepreneur seems to be ready to carry out his intentions. Let’s find out what they are.

Elon Musk and the challenge to Apple and OpenAI

Elon Musk he didn’t like the agreement between Apple and OpenAI at all they managed to achieve and which led to the integration of ChatGPT on the company’s devices at the operating system level.

If Musk had initially funded OpenAI’s work on generative artificial intelligence, his dissatisfaction and the cracks between him and the reality led by Sam Altman had been evident for a while. Elon Musk, in fact, does not appreciate the work done and accuses OpenAI of having violated the original mission declared, that is, creating an AI for the benefit and reach of all, without the interest in profit.

ChatGPT integration on Apple devices it is perhaps the straw that breaks the camel’s back. Elon Musk has said that he will not allow Apple devices to be used in his companies because they would pose a security risk.

Very strong statements, which however may not be the only answer that Elon Musk intends to give. The entrepreneur, through his interactions on X, the social network of which he is the owner, has made it clear that he is ready for the development of Smartphone

What are the features of Smartphone X, the new device that Elon Musk is ready to design

Smartphone X is not out of the question, but it could be designed and launched on the market very soon by Elon Musk. The entrepreneur, on social media, hinted that he and his consumers are starting to feel the need to have a valid alternative to what is currently on the market.

According to the first rumors, the smartphone wanted by the entrepreneur would have an open-source operating system and a direct satellite link between the devices and Starlink satellites.

One of the strong points of Smartphone the great protection of privacy and data which would guarantee. It would be highly compatible with social networks, especially with X, and from its launch it could be integrated with Grok, the AI ​​recently developed by Elon Musk. Smartphone X could thus become the true rival of Apple Intelligence.

To know more:

  • X (Twitter): what it is, how it works and what you can do
  • The complete guide to smartphones

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