Windows 10

Activate the new Start menu in Windows 10

As we know, Microsoft updates Windows 10 every 6 months or so with new features. The most recent update of 2020 came out in May and did not bring big news, if not the usual optimizations and bug fixes. However, a surprise comes from possibility to immediately activate the new Start menu, which Microsoft has redesigned and which will be officially released with the next update coming out in November 2020. Those who want, therefore, can immediately unlock the revised Start menu, which doesn't change much from the previous version, but it definitely becomes more convenient to search for installed programs and apps.
The most significant change, besides a brighter appearance (which makes it better if you activate the Aero Lite theme in the settings), is in not filling the program icons with a different color anymore, making everything smoother and easier to scroll through and use to search for apps. In addition, by hovering over the folders, their name appears, making them easier to recognize.

READ ALSO: Customize the Windows 10 Start menu

The trick to immediately activate the new Windows 10 Start menu without waiting for the final update, you can do it right now (it is important to have already installed the Windows 10 Update 2004 of May 2020) by following this short procedure:

1) Open Settings in Windows 10, go to Update and Security and look for new updates.
2) When the search is finished, click on the link of optional updates and one should appear with the initials KB4568831. Select it and install it.
3) Restart your computer
4) Once the PC is turned on again, you need to add two registry keys. To do this, the easiest way is to right-click on the desktop to create a new text document. Then paste these lines on it:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00  (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlFeatureManagementOverrides2093230218) "EnabledState"=dword:00000002 "EnabledStateOptions"=dword:00000000

Then save the document with a name like: start-nuovo.reg (I recommend the file extension must be .reg and not .txt). Press it twice to add the values ​​marked in the system registry.
5) Restart your computer.
That's all, at the end you will see the Windows 10 Start menu with uniform colors, which change according to the choices made in the Settings of Customization.
If you want to return the Start menu as it was before, you need to open the registry (search regedit on the Start menu) and then go to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM CurrentControlSet Control FeatureManagement Overrides 0
Delete folder 0 and restart your PC.

READ ALSO: Brings the Windows 7 Start menu back to Windows 10

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