
Alternatives to LinkedIn to find jobs online

To find work online, there is not only LinkedIn. Let’s see together which services to use to find a new job.

Alternative LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a social network designed to connect various professionals: with it it is possible finding a new job easily (contacting companies directly or responding to ads) or but it is also great for being contacted by new companies (if our profile matches what they are looking for).

In addition to LinkedIn we can use various Italian and international sites to easily find workloading the the course of life and providing all the information on our study path and our past work experience.

In the guide that follows we will show you How easy it is to find work on LinkedIn alternative sitesfilling out CVs and subscribing to the services of push notification for new open positions or by chatting directly with HR managers.

READ ALSO -> A complete guide to LinkedIn for looking for or proposing a job

1) Indeed


Among the best alternatives to LinkedIn we certainly find Indeeda complete job search portal suitable for any type of research (from the recent graduate to the recent high school diploma, passing through the sector expert looking for a new job position).

To load our CV immediately, we access the site from any browser, press the item at the top Upload your CV and log in to the system using a quick login account (Google, Apple or Facebook). In the new window that will open we upload a recent photo, insert all the personal data and pay the utmost attention to the information entered on the studies carried out and on previous work experience, so as to be more visible.

Alternatively, we can directly search for the job we want by opening the homepage of the site, entering the dream job in the field Thing and entering the city or region to search in the field Dove; in this way we will obtain a complete list of positions corresponding to the job sought, with the possibility of contacting the person in charge of the advertisement by email or telephone number.

The page is very interesting Wages workwhich allows you to compare the salaries of the various job positions offered and immediately focus on the one with one higher remuneration.

2) Glassdoor


Another very useful site to replace LinkedIn in the search for a new job is Glassdoora highly professional site with only real and verified users, companies and HR managers.

In order to enter and to see the available ads, you must log in immediately, using both quick access accounts and the classic account with email address and password. After logging in we will be able to search for the job of our dreams using the search bar or browsing the featured offers.

By filling in the user profile with new details and CV we can receive targeted job advertisementsnew job searches and push notifications on new positions, so you never miss the opportunity to contact a new employer looking for our professional figure.

3) Meetup


For those looking for work in Italy and abroad, it is possible to take a look at the site Meetupa social network specialized in creating groups to look for jobs in a specific city.

By subscribing to this service it is possible to become part of working group, where you can get in touch with new people, propose your professional experience and send CVs where necessary. To increase the chances of finding work, let’s sign up for more groups and use the various categories of groups present next to the item Related topics.

4) I find work

I find work

To look for work in Italy or abroad we can rely on the site I find work, created in collaboration with Corriere della Sera. This site works like a real one search engine for jobs: just enter the job we are looking for, enter the province or region where we want to work and finally click on fence.

Very useful are the ticks that allow you to filter the results for recent graduates and for the jobs available in Italy and abroad; for the more demanding it is also possible to open the advanced search pageso you can enter additional search parameters and filter through the thousands of job vacancies available.

5) Look for a job

Another interesting search engine to look for work in Italy and abroad is available on the portal

By entering your favorite job in the field Keyword we can immediately start an all-out search; to make searches even more effective we can choose a location and an area, so as to limit the number of ads displayed.

Applying for a job is really very simple: after finding the right ad, we press the button Candidateswe upload our CV, provide contact information and confirm where necessary to proceed with the application.

The site allows you to upload your LinkedIn profile directly to fill out your CV: this could benefit those who already have a LinkedIn profile, since we will not have to send anything but only associate our profile with the desired ad.

6) Jobsora


Among the newest sites to look for work instead of LinkedIn we find Jobsoraa search engine capable of showing ads for any type of business, in Italy and abroad.

To start we can look for a new job online by opening the site and filling in the fields above: we enter the job in the field Assignment and enter the city, province or region where we want to work.

On the same page we can quickly load our CV by clicking on Upload your CV, which will be available for all ads we respond to. To quickly search for work we can also use the quick categories present in the home, at the bottom of the window.

Anyone who has never created a CV before can proceed to its creation by clicking on the top Creare CVby pressing again on Create CV and entering all the required data.


LinkedIn is one of the most effective tools for finding work online, but to increase your chances of finding a job we recommend upload your CV and start a search on the sites recommended in this guide, so you can immediately find the opportunity for a new work experience or to change jobs (by choosing a higher paid one).

To learn more we can read our guides on how publish your CV online to look for a job and find your CV on Google e how to send the resume and write the CV to apply.

Always on the LinkedIn theme, we can read the guide on how create a professional profile on Linkedin to be noticed.

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