
Best Linux distributions for gaming on PC

Let’s see together the best Linux distributions that we can install to play the most famous PC games and retro games

Linux Gaming Distributions

Gone are the days when you had to use Windows to play on a PC. Today we can build a complete gaming PC and install Linux on itthe open source operating system, which can be used without paying license fees.

Supported games are those compatible with SteamOS, based on Linux; this compatibility has made it possible to use any Linux distribution with games, thanks also to the arrival of drivers compatible with the most powerful video cards and full support for OpenGL (the graphics libraries used on Linux).

There are Linux distributions optimized for gaming, easy to install and adaptable to various scenarios. All of the recommended distros are great for gaming but they do have some unique features which is worth knowing before installation.

READ ALSO -> 10 most used Linux Distros in the world

1) Distribution to get started: Linux Mint

Linux Mint

For those coming from the Windows world, the best distribution to start with is Linux Mint. By installing this distribution we will be able to benefit from an interface very similar to that of Windows 7 and automatically install the drivers for the dedicated video card, using the update tool integrated within the operating system.

For games we can use both the integrated store and install Proton, so as to make the system compatible with any Windows game sold on Steam. For those who want to use the games natively, they can also simply install Steam on Linux and try their purchased games, so as to be able to launch the OpenGL version.

2) Distribution for hardcore gamers: Kubuntu

In humanity

On particularly powerful computers equipped for 4K gaming we can also install In humanity as a Linux distribution for gaming.

The version currently available is 22.04 LTS and provides everything needed to launch native Steam games and to launch Windows games via compatibility provided by Proton. The advantage of using Ubuntu-based versions is the presence of file Snapwhich makes it very easy to install new apps and remove items you no longer need without having to use the terminal.

3) Distribution with superior hardware support: Pop!_OS


If we fear that Linux does not correctly support all the components chosen for the gaming computer, the best Linux distribution to try is Pop!_OS.

Using this distribution we will use a distro equipped with a modern and welcoming interface but, what should not be underestimated, equipped with an automatic update system that always provides the latest kernel and latest proprietary modules for processors, chipsets and video cardsensuring maximum compatibility with any type of hardware.

From a software point of view it behaves like any Ubuntu, presenting the same advantages seen on both Linux Mint and Kubuntu.

4) Distribution for retrogaming: RetroPie


If we love old-fashioned video games (80s and 90s or cabinet games) it is better to buy a Raspberry PI 4 and install a dedicated Linux distribution called RetroPie.

This Linux distro is based on Debian ed it is optimized to run on the Raspberry’s small hardwareproviding all the power needed to run games on old Nintendo consoles, cabinets, old Sega consoles and the first PlayStation.

The configuration is not immediate but it is not that difficult either, just having to load the system ISO onto a microSD and connect it to the Raspberry, taking care to connect a modem and a USB keyboard (necessary for startup and first configuration). At the end we can load the games onto the microSD and start them directly inside RetroPie.

We can read the guides on this topic how to use a Raspberry Pi for TV e how to make a retro console for TV with RetroPie and Raspberry.


Linux is no longer just an operating system for nerds and fans of lines of code! In fact, there are some on the Internet excellent distributions to use for gamingsimple to install on any gaming PC and well compatible with games already present on SteamOS and downloadable from Steam, in particular those with certified compatibility for the Steam Deck.

To learn more we can read the guides above come installare Windows 11 su Steam Deck and on best PC emulators to play Playstation, XBox, Nintendo and Sega.

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