
Check and limit the time spent on Facebook

time spent on Facebook Since we are spending a good part of our life on Facebook, especially on smartphones, the time has come to limit the time spent looking at and posting photos and comments on Facebook. To do this, if we really can not detach ourselves, we can take advantage of the feature that measures the time spent watching the Facebook app on your mobile phone.
Facebook has added a new function in the menu of its application on Android and iPhone that allows you to see the time spent on Facebook every day of the week, in order to realize how effectively you are on Facebook. The function also allows you to set limits and be notified when these limits are exceeded, so you know when to stop using the app if it becomes too manic.

To find this new feature, open the Facebook app on Android or iPhone and press the menu button at the top right of the screen. Then scroll down, expand the section Settings and Privacy and tap on Your Time on Facebook or Time spent on Facebook.
You will then be able to read the graph of time spent looking at the Facebook app every day of the past week, with an indication of the minutes and hours. Above you can read the average of the week, in my case of 43 minutes.
Below, there are links to other preferences that can help us limit Facebook activity. You can then edit what appears in the news flow, manage friend requests and disable notifications.
The option that sets a daily time reminder is the most useful for this purpose, in order to receive a notification of warning when the chosen time limit is exceeded. For example, an alarm can be set if Facebook is used for more than one hour overall during a 24-hour day.

Using this option can certainly be useful, but as seen there are also other ways to realize if we are using too much Facebook and other mobile apps. We talked about it in the guide to count how many times we check the mobile phone and the daily use time, with options to limit it.
In the past, we had also talked about how to block sites on the PC or limit the browsing time on Facebook, Youtube or others.
Finally, if we really could not limit our activities on Facebook, it may be the case to deactivate Facebook to disappear temporarily, without deleting anything, at least until we no longer feel this addiction.

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