
Download ISEE online pre-compiled and without CAF

Guide to obtain and download the pre-compiled ISEEE, already ready, directly from the INPS website

Do ISEE online

The attestation ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) is a very important document for certifying the overall economic level of a family unit. For low ISEE values ​​(established by the State) it is possible to access economic incentives of all kinds. Normally this certification is obtained by going to the CAF, the patronage, the local INPS office or the union with the required documents, so as to obtain the certification in a few hours.

We will show you in the following guide how to create and download the ISEE online directly from the INPS website, so that you can later print it or send it by email (for questions about social bonuses), without having to leave your home.

READ ALSO -> Guide to the INPS website: services offered and how to access them

1) Access the INPS website

Login INPS

The INPS website provides many remote services, including downloading the latest ISEE certificate presented at the institution. To be able to access services remotely for the citizen you must have the SPIDthe digital identity provided by the Italian State to all citizens who want to interface with the public administration.

Before proceeding we will have to get a personal SPID; in the case of a family nucleus, the SPID of the head of the family is sufficient, given that all the income of other family members will be incorporated into a single certificate.

If we don’t have an active SPID yet, we can quickly activate one by going to the Poste Italiane websiteby pressing the key Register now and choosing the best authentication method for our needs.

Existing BancoPosta or PostePay customers can quickly create a SPID by selecting SMS with Certified Mobileby logging in with your Poste Italiane credentials (in the dedicated section at the bottom right) and pressing on Continue.

SPID data will be retrieved from our Poste Italiane account; to certify electronic identity we will be asked to enter the code that we will receive via SMS on the certified mobile phone for postal transactions via app or website (usually required immediately when creating an account on the Poste Italiane website).

If we do not have a certified mobile phone on the Poste Italiane account, we can use one of the other authentication methods available (such as Electronic Identity Card or Health Card/CNSwhich can be used using a special reader).

Anyone who doesn’t have a Poste Italiane account can create SPID with other state-authorized operators, as seen in our guides on how to activate the SPID come on how to get SPID fast.

2) How to make ISEE precompiled

ISEE pre-compiled

The INPS has speeded up the procedure to be able to obtain the ISEE directly online, without having to go to a patronage or a CAF. This service is called ISEE pre-compiled and offers everything you need to be able to compare the DSU provided by our employer and any other income and assets that contribute to the equivalent economic indicator.

To start we will therefore have to press on the button Acquisition, log in with the SPID and immediately check the family unit composition sheet. In this screen it is very important to declare that you have acquired the proxies for each family memberindicating the number of the health card and its expiration date.

The delegation procedure is automatic in the case of minor children under our guardianship (just confirm the data entered), while if there are adult children or other members in the family status we will have to immediately acquire the authorization to process personal data.

Using the keys provided next to each family member we can carry out this procedure directly online if everyone has their own SPID: the other family members will have to access the ISEE website pre-compiled with their SPID and confirm the authorization for treatment for the “head of the family” (i.e. the person who is making the ISEE declaration online).

Once the consents have been obtained, we can finally verify the information of the DSU pre-filled online; it contains all the data of the family members, any rental costs (with information on the registered contract), the balance and the average deposit at banks and institutes (of all family members), information on any forms of income.

It is advisable to carefully check each item present in the pre-compiled DSU, making changes where necessary. The ISEE that we are going to generate later will depend on the correctness of the DSU sent.

After the checks we confirm where necessary to start the INPS data verification procedure: the process is totally automatic and it can take from a few hours up to 24 hours. We can check the progress of the verification procedure at any time by pressing the button Verify on the site seen at the beginning of the chapter.

3) Download ISEE online

Download ISEE INPS

After submitting the DSU online we will have to wait for confirmation from INPS. If the data is confirmed INPS will issue the ISEE certificate online, ready to be downloaded; the procedure that we will describe can also be used by those who have obtained the ISEE from the CAF or from the patronage, since they are all saved on the same site.

To proceed with the download, go to the INPS websitewe press on the tab SPIDclick on Log in with SPID and select the provider used to create the SPID (in the case of Poste Italiane we will have to select Postal ID).

After selecting the provider, enter the SPID access credentials and provide the security code (via SMS or authentication app) to immediately access the INPS section reserved for citizens. To look for the latest valid ISEE certificate, go to the page dedicated toISEE post reform 2015we press at the top of the menu Declarationwe press on the item Statement and Historiancheck that the tax code is correct and finally press on Start the search.

In the new window that will open, identify the right certificate (i.e. the one that presents, under the item Statethe written Complete and certified) and press on the icon Act. with the flag of Italypresent under the section Prints.

It will start immediately download of the ISEE certificate in PDF format in the browser chosen for the operation. At the end of the download, open the PDF file and verify the correctness of the data contained in the ISEE certificate; if everything is correct we can use this attestation to ask questions about social bonuses (sending the PDF by email when requested) or directly print the PDF in paper formatso as to have a copy to show in the offices or at the dedicated locations.


Downloading the ISEE form is really very simple and within everyone’s reach! All you need is a PC, a modern web browser (like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge) and an active and functioning SPID. With the procedure seen above we will be able to recover the last ISEE that we certified at INPSby downloading a copy in PDF format (very useful if we are applying for online bonuses).

To learn more we can read our guides on how access the INPS website via SPID and how to fix i access problems with SPID.

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