
DuckDuckGo – the search engine launches its browser for Windows

DuckDuckGo - the search engine launches its browser for Windows

DuckDuckGoa well-known privacy-focused search engine, has launched its own browser per Windows.

Right now the software is available in beta version but, already in its current state, it seems to be able to offer a smooth browsing experience and, in many ways, already comparable to some industry giants, such as Chrome, Edge e Firefox.

According to the creators of the browser however, the latter will offer many fewer ads, pop-up and other annoying elements while users browsing. As they say, through the official DuckDuckGo blog “the browser for windows already comes with almost all the privacy protections and everyday features that users already know and trust from our iOS, Mac and Android browsers“.

DuckDuckGo browser arrives on Windows: when privacy really is a priority

Users who choose this browser can enjoy a tracker-free experience thanks to a number of interesting features.

Among them, the Tracker Blocking, capable of preventing the loading of elements related to tracking (even if hidden from the eyes of the user). Furthermore, the pop-up management system relating to cookies is also ideal for countering harassing pop-ups and the like.

There is also a system for hide email address when signing up for online services, but also a valid system of encryption and even a function known as Duck Playercapable of blocking invasive advertisements by YouTube. Despite its “youth” this browser also seems to offer one password management efficient.

Weak point, at least for the moment, is obviously the lack of support regarding the extensions. In this regard, in case of success of the browser, a future integration is foreseeable.

The opinion of users

In the practical test, the DuckDuckGo browser seems to have convinced the user. Despite this, for many, giving up the most popular extensions in the Chrome context is still difficult. This browser, therefore, at least at the moment remains excellent but as a “secondary” solution.

Always according to the official statements of DuckDuckGo “Right now we’re working hard to achieve full parity with the Mac browser, including improvements to startup speed, the ability to pin tabs, importing HTML bookmarks, and additional privacy features like fingerprint protection, a link tracking and referrer tracking protection system“.

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