
E-commerce, hi-tech leads the great sprint at the beginning of 2024

E-commerce, hi-tech leads the great sprint at the beginning of 2024

More and more smartphones, more and more quality, more and more attention to the “smart” world: this is the conclusion reached by a survey conducted by BlazeMedia to photograph the progress of the world e-commerce during the first quarter of 2024, so as to highlight the trends that promise to guide the development of the sector towards the second half of the year.

E-commerce, in fact, grows, evolves, consolidates and in its dynamic flow is able to well characterize the changing needs of an increasingly large and expert user base. In fact, needs change, just as the products sought in response to these needs change. Furthermore, the feeling that the consumer has towards online purchasing, the trust in transport times, the ability to choose models and compare their convenience, changes. The results of the Blazemedia survey must therefore be read with particular attention, since they can say a lot about the special relationship that Europens have with the world of online shopping.

The most purchased products

According to what was found by the survey, out of a sample of approximately 280 thousand orders placed on partner sites by readers of the BlazeMedia network, the most requested shopping categories are the following:

  • Telephony (28%),
  • Computer e tablet (15%),
  • Electronics (14%),
  • Casa (12%),
  • Do-it-yourself (6%).

Data that highlights a particular maturation of buyers, now able to draw on e-commerce for purchases in every product sector (Home and Kitchen and DIY, for example, have grown by 5% in recent months), but with a still predominant prevalence of the hi-tech world and devices useful for a “smart” everyday life. The fact that among the most purchased new products are products such as smart tags and smart ringsnew generation tools that immediately found a response in registered purchases.

The average user described by the survey assiduously searches for promotions that allow particularly convenient purchases, focusing their attention in this sense especially on high-quality and high-cost devices (where each additional percentage point of discount represents a further opportunity for savings). Overall, on the BlazeMedia network, categories such as computers, tablets, electronics and home audio represent 57% of transactions and generate 30% of orders. Furthermore, areas such as health and household appliances (+13% year on year), food (+28%), clothing (+5%) and beauty (+23%) are growing. There is no area that does not register active trendsconfirming a general evolution of the sector, but the discrepancy between the different growth rates can indicate a lot about the personas active in the purchase.

BlazeMedia aims to innovate the online publishing sector thanks to a cutting-edge business model, basing the majority of its revenue on affiliation and user-directed sales. This is possible thanks to proprietary technologies and thousands of contents that every month manage to intercept the tastes and curiosity of users on all traffic channels, through an accurate search for products and services with virality and trend-setting potential

Massimiliano Valentefounder and CEO of BlazeMedia

The protagonists of early 2024

Among the products featured in sales at the beginning of the year are in particular smart tags, small low-cost devices useful for geolocalizing keys, wallets, briefcases and more. Alongside these are the electrical components for home automation, i.e. objects such as smart speakers and wifi switches of daily use. But the absolute protagonists, always and in any case, are new generation smartphones: these are the center of gravity of every smart activity and it is in smartphones that we invest most assiduously in order to ensure the latest innovations in the sector and full control over our study activities , work and free time.

The numbers recorded by BlazeMedia emerge from a large pool of users and purchases, indicating with great precision not so much what users think, but rather what they do. In short, in these numbers there are no purchase intentions, but purchases already completed and market trend evolution. The purchase is the final realization of a marketing path which for brands starts from the study of the product, the choice of the values ​​to cultivate and the needs to satisfy: from this moment on it is the buyers’ choices that guide the invisible hand of the market on the supply and demand curve. The current evolution of e-commerce, which is widely expected, characterizes the speed of this inevitable evolution and indicates to users, brands and online shops which are the places of greatest interest, which are the speeches with the greatest impact and which are the most popular products. appeal.

In short, in these numbers there is a social evolution even before a market one, as well as a useful window overlooking the near future of the sector.

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