
Email, some tips for IT security

L’email is one of the virtual spaces where users store a large number of sensitive information: from those linked to the world of Workto those that instead have to do with the private life.

Precisely for this reason it is important to cultivate it as best as possible safety of one’s own email. First of all by carefully choosing the right one password.

But also paying attention to the different threats traveling on the web: starting from the scams of phishinguntil you get to the download of malware of various kinds.

  • 1. Password errors and problems

    A first major category of errors e bad habits that compromise the security of an email is linked to the world of password: the alphanumeric sequences that allow the user to access your email inbox. But not only.

    Passwords should be perceived as a bulwark for your IT security. And instead they are all too often chosen with one lightness impressive.

    Suffice it to say that for years the password “123456” it was the most used and widespread all over the world. And which in 2023, in Europe, was overtaken by the word “admin” (administrator).

    Passwords like these could be easily understood by an attacker in flesh and blood. Let alone from one trained bot specifically to attempt thousands, if not millions of different sequences.

    Per set a password sufficiently safe At least two factors must be taken into account. The first has to do with creating a combination of letters, numbers and special characters (e.g. the hashtag).

    The second concerns the bad habit to use meaningful words and figuresoften linked to one’s private or professional life: from birthday date al name of a person cara.

    The weak passwords they then become even more dangerous if they are used for access different credentials. Think in this sense of the aforementioned address emailbut also to social networkgarlic e-commerceor perhaps to the services of home banking.

    The reason behind this element of risk is rather obvious to understand. An attacker who had to hack this passwordwould have access not to one, but to various repositories of sensitive information for his victim.

    Fortunately, there are several programs that help the user in one more prudent creation and management of passwords. This is the case of password managerwhich however must be chosen with great care.

    I management software of keywords are in fact one of the main ones objects of desire of international hackers. This means that, every day, they suffer hundreds of attacks.

    Per lower the risk level of loss of sensitive data, at least two virtuous behaviors must be adopted. On the one hand set complex and diverse passwords, regardless of downloading a password manager. On the other hand, remember to constantly update your software management.

  • 2. Beware of phishing and hacker attacks

    In the previous paragraphs we mentioned the risk of suffering a hacker attack. And the consequences that this kind of attack could have for their own more valuable information.

    Unfortunately the email inbox it is one of the channels favored by web attackers. Suffice it to say that, according to recent estimates, the1.2% of emails sent every day around the world are potentially dangerous.

    This kind of attacks via private messaging is generally recognized with the term “phishing”: a sneaky threat, which leads the user to come “caught” by a scammer without even realizing it.

    The email di phishing I am apparently harmless and aim to build a relationship of trust with their victim. But they can adopt different styles: starting from those they announce discounts or rewards handy. Until we get to the ones they carry bad news.

    Regardless of the characteristics of the individual case, the sender of phishing emails is bogus and the message it’s just a pretext. In fact, the purpose of this scam is to lead the user to download an attachmentrather than a click on a link o a banner.

    The consequences of the above actions can be multiple: the user can end up supply directly your credentials. As well as it can to install unconsciously un malware which will generate more or less serious damage to your device.

    Just one compromised device it is another element of email security risk that cannot be ignored. Some malicious programs in fact they allow hackers to monitor user activities. Even to enter its folders, or access your accounts.

    Unfortunately there is no single piece of advice that allows you to eliminate the risk 100%. of malware infections. But even in this case it is possible to stick to the main ones IT security rules.

    For example by doing great Attention to all software that you download or they are installed. And maybe avoiding to visit unreliable websites or links. Especially if the invitation to click comes from an unknown sender.

  • 3. Other causes of email security problems

    Per keep your email more secure it is very important to choose carefully access circumstances to email. In this sense it is highly inadvisable to connect from public deviceslike the computers of Internet-point.

    And if the connection is unavoidable, it is essential avoid inserting other information sensitive inside the device. Especially those that are linked to financial management.

    Finally, pay attention to browser extensions dedicated to emails. In fact, it may happen that precisely these additional components undermine the security of the mailbox.

    To minimize the risks in this regard, it is important to install exclusively extensions safe. Maybe taking into account the reviews and the feedback released by other users.

    To know more: Email: types, characteristics and how to use it

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