
Find who stays near or in the same place

Find people nearby Today there are very few apps that allow you to see who is nearby and who lives in the same place, even if we are not friends yet: once there was also Facebook but it removed this functionality in 2022.

If we want to meet new people we can rely on two very famous and secure apps such as Telegram and happnwho make messaging and finding new people (without neglecting the security aspect) their main strengths.

In the following guide we will show you how to find who stays near or in the same place using the app nearby friendsthat is able to show the people nearby, whether they are friends or perfect strangers to contact.

READ ALSO: Share your current location in Facebook Places

1) Telegram


The best app we can use to find who is near us is Telegramavailable for free download for Android and for iPhone.

To use this function immediately, all we have to do is open the app, access the function panel (button at the top left or menu at the bottom right) and press on the menu Close people. The people who have left Telegram visible will be immediately viewable, so from be able to contact them even if we are not friends.

In addition to people, we can also view, on the same screen, i Neighboring groups: they are public groups created by users in the area, very useful for making new friends and getting to know people close to us. On Telegram groups we can read our guide to best special tricks for Telegram.

Even if we feel lonely and want to be contacted by people nearby we can make our position visible on Telegram by opening the menu again Close peopledoing tap su Make me visible and providing permissions to access geolocation (essential for this type of business); the function can be deactivated at any time and, in case of problems, we can always block annoying people or those who contact us too insistently.

2) event

happened Another app that we can use to find people we meet on the street or people who live near us is happeneda dating app specializing in location tracking available for Android and for iPhone.

The app works like a radar to find people to meet on the street or in a specific place, to always be left active in the phone memory; if we meet another person who uses the same app we will receive a notification, so as to access the personal profile and the information that she has decided to share in the app; obviously the other person will also receive a notification of our passage and will be able to access our profile, given that the system is bidirectional.

At the end of the day, if we’ve been walking around the city a lot, we will get a good number of contacts and people close to us or met on the streetwith whom to start a conversation, make friends and meet in person, especially if they have similar tastes or interests to ours.

The others too dating apps they have a similar tracking system, but it doesn’t work as well as happn: this makes it by far the best app for finding people staying near or in the same place.

Those who fear using these apps can always read our guide on best tips to protect privacy on online dating sites.


A few years ago the nearby function it was very popular in messaging apps and dating apps and also present on Facebook but, due to the proliferation of too many apps and the inevitable privacy problems, there are now very few safe apps left for find who is nearby or to recontact who we meet on the street.

Telegram is the best choice because only those who want to be found have the function activated, without forgetting the innovative function relating to local public groups. The happn app is a more causal encounter and occasion oriented app, but it can prove very useful in large cities.

On the other hand, those who want to monitor friends they already know or family members can activate the follow me or position sharing functions in real time, as already seen in the guides to app to send the position or be followed in real time come on how to share live location on whatsapp.

For those looking for new friends, we refer you to reading our articles on anonymous chat app with random new people and on app for making new friends with similar interests.

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