
How the pre-order on Amazon works

Amazon pre-orderWhen they present a new phone or a new game, many users prefer to proceed with the purchase by taking advantage of the pre-order: in this way the passionate user can immediately pay the expected price for the sale of the product and, once the release date has arrived. , receive the product and be one of the first users to use it. Amazon has been a leader in providing a serious and accurate pre-order for years, often starting the shipment one or two days before the actual release date of the chosen product, so as to respect the deliveries for those who want the device as soon as available.If we have never used the Amazon pre-order before, let’s get comfortable and dedicate only a few minutes of your time to reading this article: at the end we will know exactly how pre-order on Amazon works and how to use it for the objects we crave.

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How to pre-order on Amazon

Before continuing, it is very important to know that Amazon offers pre-orders both for products for which the manufacturer has already communicated the release date and for products announced but whose release date is not known; this allows all interested users to be among the first to buy the product, regardless of the release date.

Another very important feature to take into consideration when making a pre-order on Amazon is the guaranteed minimum price: with this system we will have the certainty of always spending the right amount and, if the expense made for the pre-order will be lower than the official price on the release date, Amazon will only withdraw the money necessary for the purchase. For example, if we have placed a pre-order for € 500 but the item is put on sale on the release date for € 400, Amazon will only withdraw € 400 from the payment method entered in the account.

In any case, it is always advisable to have the sum already set aside for the pre-order on hand, so as to be on the safe side; if we do not yet have a payment method associated with Amazon, we recommend that you read our guides How to pay on Amazon with Paypal or current account e How to buy on Amazon without a credit card.

Pre-order on Amazon from PC

To pre-order on Amazon directly from your computer, open any web browser (Chrome and Edge are fine), go to the official Amazon page, log in with our account by pressing the top on Log in and, once inside, we use the site’s search bar to find the product or object not yet released on the market.

PC pre-order

After opening the pre-order product page we advise you to check the release date now (expected or confirmed), so as to know in advance when we will have to wait before we can get our hands on the object; after checking the release date it is worth checking the expected shipping date, checking the top right (next to the writing Delivery at no additional cost within). Most pre-orders are all sold and shipped by Amazon, so we can benefit from advantages of Prime to have a very fast shipment.

Now that we have carried out all the checks we can confirm the pre-order by pressing the button Pre-order now, choosing the preferred type of shipment, confirming both the payment method and the shipping address and finally pressing on Pre-order. As soon as the warning window appears we can relax and get comfortable! One of the objects will be set aside for us and we will receive it on the day of release or at most a few days later, regardless of availability; though the item will go steal on launch, we will always have our pre-ordered copy.

Pre-order on Amazon from a smartphone or tablet

Pre-ordering on your phone or tablet is even easier using theAmazon’s dedicated app, freely downloadable from the Google Play Store and the Apple App Store. After downloading the app, open it, log in with our Amazon account (we can use the same account already used on the PC) and finally use the search bar at the top to search for the product not yet on the market.

Mobile pre-order

After having found the product not yet released on the market, we tap on it to open the presentation screen, also in this case we check the expected or confirmed release date, the shipping date of the product and, if convinced, press the button Pre-order now to reserve the product.

Also in this case we will be asked for the payment method to use, the address to which to send the product and the shipping method to use (obviously we aim for the fastest one, so as to receive the product immediately).

How to cancel a pre-order

As many will have noticed by placing a pre-order on Amazon the money will never be withdrawn from the card or bank account associated with our Amazon account in advance: the final amount (which can be even lower) is charged a few days before the official release date, so you can immediately ship the product and make the arrival coincide with the release date (at least Amazon he tries). This means that until the actual payment is made we can always cancel a pre-order.

To cancel a pre-order that we are no longer interested in let’s go to the personal Amazon orders page, identify the order to be canceled (also helping us with the search field or with the drop-down menu that shows the time intervals), press the button remove articles, we specify the reason for canceling the pre-order in the drop-down menu Reason for cancellation and press on Delete tagged articles to cancel the pre-order.

To be on the safe side, we recommend that you cancel your pre-orders at least 7 days before the product release date, so as not to generate any charges on your credit card or on the payment method used on Amazon; if we decide to cancel the order close to the release date we will have to wait a few days to get the reversal of any money already withdrawn.

Has the package with the pre-order already left and we don’t want it anymore? In this case it is better to exploit the Amazon’s return policies: we accept the package on delivery and proceed immediately with the return, so as to also have the money back. To learn more we can also read our guide How to make a refund or replacement claim on Amazon.


Making a pre-order on Amazon is really very simple and practical and will allow you to avoid the line of shops when new iPhones, new Samsungs or any other much desired technological device are released on the market. All we have to do is move well in advance, as often the quantity of products reserved for pre-order may be limited: if we really want the new phone or any other product, let’s move in time and let Amazon do the rest.

To discover new products to buy on Amazon we can also read our guides Where to find discounts on Amazon and products at a minimum price and Ways to save on Amazon and buy at lower prices.

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