
How to use polls on Discord

Discord it is among the social networks most loved by video game enthusiasts, but not only. Thanks to his numerous features has attracted the attention of web users, especially those eager to share their hobby with other interested people or to find new stimuli and ways to learn activities, languages, sports, cooking techniques and much more. Among the most interesting functions present on Discord servers are now also there the polls.

Asking questions to your audience, especially when it comes to topics capable of eliciting the participation of a large number of subscribers, can be a good way to understand what content to offer and what are the predominant opinions in your community.

Polls arrive on Discord, the official announcement and how they work

Discord has officially announced that it is rolling out to the platform a feature extremely requested by users: surveys. Soon all users will be able to experiment with them on the platform, both by creating them and responding to requests from their contacts.

This is a feature now present within many social networks and instant messaging apps, for this reason Discord did not want to ignore the requests of its members. On the other hand, surveys guarantee a large number of advantages, as they provide more information than current methods.

The survey can provide up to three different options. Once finished, the answer that obtains the most votes is highlighted in green. They can be created by anyone who is enabled to send messages within a channel. Otherwise, it will only be possible to reply.

To receive the feature as soon as it is available, please remember to update the official application of Discord to the latest version available.

How to start polls on Discord and how to respond

To send messages it is necessary start Discord, log in with your account and go to the server where you want to communicate. You can only do this in channels where you are enabled to send messages. If possible, therefore, click the (+) button and select the item Surveys.

Start creating the survey by entering a title indicative of the topic o the question what you want to do to other users. Enter the desired options. They can be text only or, alternatively, contain emojis.

Before sending the survey, make sure you have correctly established the maximum duration of the survey, after which users will no longer be able to respond. After reviewing the created content, send it within the channel and wait for users to select and send their response.

Anyone can vote in the poll by simply selecting one of the options and clicking on Vote. You can change your preference for as long as the survey remains active. You cannot vote anonymously.

To know more: Discord, what it is, how it works and what it is for

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