
Is WiFi dangerous for us and for children or babies?

Are there any dangers to our health and that of the children in having a Wifi connection always active at home (due to radiation)?

Wi-Fi danger Wi-Fi has become part of our daily life: practically everywhere there is a Wi-Fi connection to connect to the internet wirelessly.

When you have to do with something that you can’t see as it is, fear can arise and many can wonder, even legitimately, Isn’t it that these radio waves hurt or cause cancer in people, children or babies?

In the following article we will show you because Wi-Fi cannot be considered dangerous by itself (especially when compared to other electromagnetic devices) but what can worsen an electromagnetic pollution situation already present in our home or in the place where we live.

Precisely because of this we will also show you how to improve the electromagnetic pollution generated by all wireless devicesso not only those who use Wi-Fi to surf the Internet. READ ALSO -> Better a Wi-Fi network or Ethernet cables? which is faster?

1) Is Wi-Fi radiation bad for you?

Harmful Wi-Fi The radiation can be divided into two categories: ionizing radiation and non-ionizing radiation. Those ionizing they are radiations capable of “breaking” the atoms that make up things e they are very dangerous to humans.

Examples of ionizing radiation are ultraviolet rays and nuclear radiation which not only generate heat but also change the composition of atoms in our body and can change the DNA of cells, causing cancer. Radiation from the sun’s UV rays is also responsible for sunburn from long, unprotected exposure to the sun that damages the DNA of skin cells.

Non-ionizing radiation (such as that emitted by Wi-Fi) instead they pass through objects and can convert the energy they carry into heat when they hit an object (as in the case of the microwave oven). As we have learned in the past, among the ways to improve wireless network reception modems, routers and range extenders should be kept away from microwave ovens as they can create interference.

This because Wi-Fi networks operate on the same frequency as the microwave oven and, like the latter, they use non-ionizing radiation. What obviously changes are the powers involved: to heat the milk in the microwave, microwaves with a power of 800 Watts or more are used, while the Wi-Fi antennas emit microwaves of 0.1 Watts (or slightly more).

2) Does Wi-Fi generate heat?

Wi-Fi heat Non-ionizing radiation becomes harmful and can heat atoms to high temperatures only if the power is very high: for this reason the microwave oven uses a Faraday cage around the case and in the glass (and this explains why the glass of the microwave is dark and there seems to be a mesh inside).

Wi-Fi has very low transmission power (well below 1 watt) and which decreases the further we move away from the modem, router or radiation emitting device. This doesn’t mean that Wi-Fi waves don’t heat up, but for be able to feel the heat of the Wi-Fi we have to place ourselves less than 50 centimeters from the transmitting antenna, remaining exposed for many hours.

After this exposure we will notice a warmer area of ​​our skin, but nothing really worrying about people’s health. However, it is recommended as a precaution stay more than 50 centimeters away from the modem or the Wi-Fi wave emitterespecially if we have medical devices on our body (pacemaker and the like).

3) Wi-Fi is more secure than cell towers

Telephone antennas In the first two chapters we understood that the risk associated with Wi-Fi is practically non-existent with the powers involved, to the point of being able to state that any mobile phone is much more dangerous than having two or three Wi-Fi emitters in the house.

Mobile phones hook up to transceiver antennas that use very low frequencies (in order to cover a greater distance) and high powers (even up to 3000 Watts per antenna). Living near a cell phone mast could lead to problems in the long runas well as always having the phone in hand constantly connected in 4G or 5G to download data.

If you really have to worry about the health of people, a child or a newborn it would be good not to stand too close to the phones during a call or while we are watching a film in streaming, given that in these scenarios the wireless waves of the mobile data network reach their maximum intensity.

To understand which phone emits the most radiation we can also read our guide on Cellular radiation and SAR; Are smartphones bad for your health?

To conclude, one cannot forget to mention that alleged disease called Electrosensitivity (ES) or Electrohypersensitivity (EHS). According to Wikipedia this is an unrecognized disease, perhaps due to stress or psychiatric problems of those afraid of electromagnetic fields.

4) How to reduce electromagnetic pollution

Wi-Fi Pollution Assuming that Wi-Fi is not dangerous to human health we still need to analyze the bigger picture: Wi-Fi however, it adds to many types of electromagnetic waves present around usfrom cell phones to alarm systems, via satellite dishes, TV signals, remote controls for automatic gates and remote controls for cars.

To reduce electrosmog in the house (especially if we are very sensitive on the subject) we can follow simple rules of conduct, easily applicable to any scenario:

  • set the airplane mode of mobile phones at nighttaking care to leave a landline for emergency calls;
  • turn off the modem’s Wi-Fi only during the night, in a totally automatic way;
  • use Powerline connections for fixed PCs, for Smart TVs, for decoders and for consoles, so as to use the home electricity network to get the Internet to devices without radio waves;
  • use corded landlinessince in fact we will only use it for emergencies;

With these simple tips we will sleep better at night and avoid overexposure to radiation for children and infants.


There is no evidence to show that Wi-Fi is dangerous for people in general, including children and babies. However, some people may experience side effects such as headaches or tiredness if they are exposed to strong electromagnetic fields for an extended period. In any case, it is always advisable to avoid excessive exposure to any source of electromagnetic radiation, including Wi-Fi. Obviously, in case of doubts or concerns, it is always advisable to speak to a doctor.

To learn more, we can read the guides to differences between cellular and 5G frequency bands and at differences between 2.4GHz and 5GHz Wi-Fi networks.

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