
League of Legends: here is the Patch Preview of 12.11

After the durability update occurred in 12.10, smaller patches were expected to refine what has already changed with that update. False alarm: we were wrong.
League of Legends: here is the Patch Preview of 12.11

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Yes, 12.11 is already making headlines a few hours after its “preview”. The changes are many and affect practically everything without however revealing the numbers (in the testing phase on the PBE) except for two exceptions: Zeros and serious injuries.

In fact, the zaunita shooter will undergo some tweaks to the entire kit with the change of small mechanics (such as the critical damage of the W) while the serious wounds are again nerfed leaving everyone in awe. Also, this will be the patch where Bel’Veth will arrive, as if there wasn’t enough meat on the fire already. The characters that will be enhanced (buff) are 14 and go to touch the goal in all lanes and roles, in particular that of the Jungle.

  • Jungle: Xin Zhao, Nunu, Gragas, Lee Sin.
  • Adc: Samira, Caitlyn, Aphelios.
  • Support: Taric, Rakan, Tahm Kench
  • .

Mid / Top: Ryze, Irelia, Tryndamere, Sylas.

*: Tahm Kench is also a single laner but, judging by the Win Rate, he will most likely be buffed for the support role.

  • In this case Riot Games is trying to give some breathing space to those champions who are drowning in the current meta. It is no coincidence that on the list of buffs Ryze, the champion with the lowest win rate on the league, Lee Sin, 2nd second in the same ranking, and Aphelios, the 3rd. The others are not in better conditions and (almost) all are in the top 30 of the least victorious champions. As for the Nerf we will see 13 champions who are currently dominating the meta. and it is enough to read the names to understand even just why.
  • Jungle: Wukong, Master Yi, Taliah, Rengar, Slayer Kayn
  • Support: Senna, Swain, Brand.
  • Top: Lillia, Gwen, Olaf.
  • Mid: Veigar.

Adc: Kog’Maw.

For some (Kog’Maw, Brand, Lillia and Senna) there will be treatment similar to that suffered by Vayne and items that deal damage based on the target’s maximum (or current) health. In fact, all four of the champions mentioned have in common the possibility of doing damage based on the amount of health the target has. Gwen may receive changes on W’s cooldowns and possibly also on her bonus stats (armor and magic res) thanks to which she dominated MSI 2022 (66.67% Win Rate over 42 games).

For the others, especially Swain, Wukong, Veigar and Taliyah are literally out of control (Taliyah is the best midlaner of the moment – for win rate – and top 10 in the roles of jungler and support), Swain has a very high WR in the mid and as carry in botlane, high in the top and discreet as support, while Veigar paddles against the Riot concept of lengthening the average duration of team fights (which is difficult when the second midlaner for win rate, from level 11, disintegrates the enemy frontline). For Olaf the speech is more complex and nothing strange that they go to touch the E of him with pure damage.

In addition to the buffs and nerfs there will be 2 champions who will see adjustments to their kit: Fizz and Zeri. While for the Zaun shooter the reason can be guessed from her results, for Fizz no. The Atlantean has a good wr at the moment 52.45% and if it’s not nerf and it’s not buff then they are probably going to change something to its w? And finally we come to the system buffs / nerfs. System buff

AP Items: Perennial Frost, Crown of the Shattered Queen, Hextech Rocket Belt, Night Reaper. Items of Lethality: Draktharr’s Twilight Blade, Eclipse, Predator’s Claw, Axiom’s Bow, Serpent’s Fang. Combatant Items: Bloodsucker, Sterak’s Pledge, Blade of the Ruined King. Tank Items: Bami Ember, Burning Ice Gauntlet, Turbo Chemtank, Sun Aegis, Randuin’s Pride, Spirit Armor, Abyss Mask. Support items: Zeke’s Convergence, Knight’s Vow.

System Nerf

Damage to the outer towers. Lethal Time Rune. Ap Objects: Liandry’s Pain, Shapeshift. Objects of Lethality: Sharp Shadow. Combatant Items: Jaws of Malmortius, Dance of Death Shooter Items: Kraken’s Slayer. System balancing. Serious Wounds going from 30% (base) – 50% (improved) to 25 (base) – 40% (improved).

For buffs and system nerfs there is not much to say: without the numbers talking, unfortunately, you cannot even guess what they are going to touch (certainly not a few will rejoice in the fact that the Jaws of Malmortius and the Dance of the death are nerfed!) while for serious injuries it is strange. So it sounds like a nice and good nerf, but Riot has promised to upgrade the items that give that status on the enemy in order to make the items still valid for purchase.

The how and where you can speculate more because putting a few more stats on it doesn’t solve the healing problem: nothing strange that they add a few more mechanics to this system (maybe damage over time) to make that inventory slot and those stats sacrifices a little less painful. What do you think of the patch coming on June 7th?

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