
Revenue Agency on the IO app: what they are and how the new notifications work

Revenue Agency on the IO app: what they are and how the new notifications work

L’IO app is an application for mobile devices that acts as a single access point for services provided by the Public Administration. Presented in 2020, the IO app is now managed by PagoPA. The main advantage for citizens is being able to receive notifications relating to deadlines o alerts, without the risk of forgetting anything anymore. The payments section allows you to manage any procedure with public bodies, paying the amount due through a single practical software tool. The news, just announced by PagoPA, is that also Revenue Agency becomes part of the list of Public Administrations integrated into the IO app.

What does it mean that the Revenue Agency becomes part of the IO app

As we have said in our other articles, the IO app has the merit of reversing the relationships traditionally existing between the Public Administration (PA) and the citizen. Usually it is the latter who takes charge of the deadline management and obligations. In the case of recurring payments, the citizen usually has to note down the sending dates of each amount and look for the right channel to pay the debt.

With IO, however, the relationship changes: it is the public body that promptly warns the citizen by informing him when there is something to pay. Furthermore, it provides the tools to comply with the request within the expected timescales.

In the case of the Revenue Agency, the tax body is responsible for informing the citizen about refunds coming soondeadlines of contractsfulfillments, rate and undelivered communications. However, these are only some examples of the communications that can be received.

The messages arrive in the form of push notifications: this means that as soon as there is any new communication regarding the taxpayer, the communication will appear in the upper area of ​​the smartphone. In the case of Android devices, it is important not to apply power saving rules on the IO app (the default choice for many phones). Otherwise, notifications may not be displayed.

The Revenue Agency services integrated into the IO app

After authentication with SPID or CIE, when starting the IO app just touch the icon Services below to realize that the Revenue Agency is currently making two tools available to citizens: Communications for you e Your deadlines. By default, as with any other public agency that supports IO, the agency can contact the user through the application, send push notifications and receive read receipts.

As mentioned above, by installing the IO app andauthenticationyou can automatically receive communications from all the PAs indicated in the sheets Nationals e Locals in the section Services. There are no additional steps to take.

Revenue Agency app IO

By acting on the options in the figure, you can turn off communications in the case of individual entities.

The important things to remember

Communications from public, national and local bodies find their container in the section Messages of the IO app. In the case of “payment slips”, there are also references to make the payments due directly within the app.

Recently, the developers improved the app so that on IO you no longer need to re-authenticate frequently. There session duration it is in fact extended by default to one year: to unlock the IO app, confirmation of the unlock code used to access the phone, face recognition or fingerprint recognition (biometric protection) is still required.

The IO app is available for terminals Android e iOS; To date there is no Web version or one that can be installed on desktop PCs. What can be done from the Manage access to IO page, always after authentication with SPID or CIE, boils down to the possibility of checking the expiry of the session and possibly requesting forced exit from the app on the mobile device (Exit IO).

The box Block access to IO it can be useful only in cases where one suspects a compromise of one’s own digital identity.

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