
See who unfollows or befriends on Facebook and Instagram

Lost followers
More and more users love check the number of friends or “followers” on the most famous social networks such as Instagram and Facebook, in particular by checking users who have stopped following us or who are no longer our friends. Obtaining this information is not easy, and many privacy-damaging apps and services have been intercepted over the years.
If we are trying to become famous on social networks it is always a good thing to check how many users leave our profile, so as to realize errors in time and change the nature of the profile or the type of content offered.Fortunately, many apps and services have been closed over the years and the level of privacy has increased a lot on the most popular social networks. Now you can use only safe methods to see who stops following us on Facebook and Instagram.

READ ALSO -> 10 useful tips and tricks on Instagram

Check who unfollows us on Facebook

On how to keep track of who cancels the friendship on Facebook, entire online pages came out full of scam apps and computer viruses that stole the account and made it impossible to use social networks! Thankfully these scam apps are now almost completely gone, but we can still check who is no longer alone friends opening a Facebook page.
With a Facebook page we can create a common space to talk about a site, a particular topic or our business and get the precious tool Insightswhich clearly shows the followers we have lost in the last period or in the last year.

Anyone who particularly cares about the number of followers on the page must access the section Insights, present in the left sidebar as soon as we access our Facebook page. In the window that opens, click on Public then let’s take a look at the number of people who liked the page. Obviously, to access this information we will have to be administrators or managers of the page.

If instead of a page we want to check who has stopped following our personal profile (especially if we know the names of our closest friends), simply open the Facebook site, log in with the account in our possession, press top left on the menu Friendsclick on All friends and check for a particular friend using the search bar at the top left.

Check who stops following us on Instagram

On Instagram we can monitor users who take away the follower to our page with the mobile app FollowMeter for Instagramavailable free for Android and iPhone.
FollowMeter for Instagram

By installing FollowMeter for Instagram we will be able to actively and continuously monitor the followers on our Instagram page, check the number of followers and the nature of our audience, receive a notification when we receive new followers and (very useful function for the purposes of the guide) receive a notify you when a specific follower stops following us.

The app is associated with the active Instagram profile and starts monitoring from the moment it is present on the phone: we cannot therefore monitor the followers lost before using the app, so it is advisable to install it as soon as possible and configure it to access our profile, so that we can always keep it monitored.


The methods shown above are currently the only ones really effective to see who has stopped following us or has taken off the friendship on Facebook and Instagram. For Instagram there is a dedicated app that is constantly updated and very effective, while for Facebook (mindful of the spy apps and malware pages created in the past) it is no longer possible to use any legitimate app.

Also if there are other methods and extensions on the Internet to monitor profiles and friends who unsubscribe, we do not recommend using themgiven that in most cases they are spy apps or virus apps that steal the identity on public profiles and publish stories and messages for us, in fact violating all privacy regulations.

To make the most of the two social networks seen in the guide, we suggest you also read the guides on how to restrict the use of the Facebook app or how to connect Facebook and Instagram profiles.

If, on the other hand, we have a problem with friends who have blocked us on Facebook or WhatsApp, we can check the situation by reading the advice seen in the guides for see who blocked me on Messenger even if they are friends on Facebook and how find out who blocked me on Whatsapp.

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