
Twitter: the test of the Circle function extended to more users. Here’s how it works

The Twitter Circle function begins to make itself known more closely, with the blue canary platform that has extended the test to a greater audience of users, mobile and web based, in order to collect even more feedback on the matter.
Twitter: the test of the Circle function extended to more users.  Here's how it works

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After several months of sightings thanks to the leakers, global tests began at the beginning of the month, but with a very small user base, related to the Circle function of Twitter which, aimed at avoiding some resistance from the more timid users, now seems to be has been extended as a dissemination to a wider range of testers.

The function in question, Circle precisely, works like the “Close Friends” (Close Friends) introduced in 2018 by Instagram: this feature allows you to create particular Stories, in all the same as normal ones, except that they are highlighted in green and are restricted to a more intimate audience of recipients (and therefore not to all). Likewise, the Circle function prevents a twitter from being shared by everyone, if the intention is to bring it only to the attention of some, because maybe you are sure that it would not interest everyone, or that it could irritate someone else.

In the past, such situations were avoided by making the account private, but Circle seems designed to avoid such excessive entrenchment, while still offering greater control over its content: to make use of it, in case you have been greeted by a pop-up invitation to to post for your own circle, just enter the tweet composer and click on the button at the top, relating to the selection of the public. Basically and by default, this button is configured on the “All” option and therefore, when chosen, it would bring the content to everyone’s attention: if desired, it is also possible to indicate as a destination the Communities to which you may belong.

To these options, with the novelty in question, the Twitter Circle option is also added which, via the Edit button, allows the user to add or remove users in his Circle, up to 150 members, without anyone being notified of the been added to or removed from it. Noting that an account has published a tweet in its circle (which everyone in it can see, but not re-share, unless you proceed with a screenshot), a warning will appear, in green, explaining that that given post can be seen only by those who are part of the user’s Circle.

Asked about this news made more available, Twitter explained that it has not yet been made available to everyone, as the collection of feedback continues, both on Twitter for Android – iOS and in the web based iteration.

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