
Waze challenges Google Maps with its new driving alerts

Waze challenges Google Maps with its new driving alerts

Wazeapplication in direct competition with Google Mapslaunches the challenge to its competitor with a new and interesting update.

This will apparently alert the user to the presence of any emergency vehicles on the route, thus allowing you to change lanes or take an alternative route. In addition to this innovation, there is also an indicator that indicates recent events changes to speed limits in certain areas. This, as is evident, allows you not to be surprised by changes to the road system, thus avoiding unpleasant fines.

The Waze developers, in addition to these implementations, are also working on other improvements to the app. For example, we talk about the warning of road dangers come bumps, sharp curves and presence of toll booths.

The patch release is expected for both the version Android That iOS of the app, with an introduction that, at least initially, will only affect some territories (United States, Mexico, Canada and France), with a gradual expansion towards the rest of the world.

Future implementations of Waze to search for parking spaces and help new drivers

Beyond the introductions of the latest update, it seems, Waze is working on future introductions, some perhaps less “useful” but still interesting.

In this sense, we can mention the possibility of choosing scenic routespreferring a road with a pleasant view rather than the fastest way to reach a destination.

Other future implementations will have a much more concrete approach. Thanks to the collaboration with the Flash software house, Waze will soon be able to provide useful information on where to find parking. The app will also offer in-depth information on the same, such as costs, possible coverage and not only.

Finally, something new will be introduced for i new drivers. This will help less experienced drivers to deal with a roundabout, with indications on when to enter the lane, when to change lanes and where to exit. While the gap between Waze and Google Maps remains real, these future integrations will make the gap less wide.

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