
What is oversharing and why do we do it

Since the advent of social media, more and more people have decided to subscribe to one or more platforms and share content, some even very personal, such as photographs, qualifications, videos, goals and much more. A common practice but which, if taken to the extreme, can result in nin oversharing, i.e. the tendency to publish excessively data and information.

L’oversharing è a phenomenon that has worsened over time and which especially affects the people most unaware of the risks. Platforms like Instagram and TikTok have further increased the sharing of personal information, especially among younger people.

Let’s find out the risks of oversharing and how to avoid it.

Oversharing, like TikTok and other social networks have contributed to the spread of the phenomenon

Sharing moments of your daily life on social networks is common and widespread practice, but could sometimes prove risky. We often underestimate our online activity, not realizing how much personal information we are sharing with people we know, but also with strangers, who could have bad intentions.

More and more often, users are led to tell details about your life, recounting events, incidents and habits that could prove uncomfortable. This happens especially on TikTok, where young people and adults are participating in different trends in which they reveal something that embarrasses or makes them feel ashamed, such as fears for the future or current worries, bordering on a new level of oversharing.

This is a growing trend, which allows people to understand that their fragilities can be the same as others and makes them feel less alone, but hides many dangersbecause we tend to reveal a lot about ourselves, especially our weaknesses.

In addition to exposing users to scam attempts by cyber criminals, it risks simplifying complex psychological issues and producing emulation attempts that lead to negative effects.

What are the risks of overshating and how to reduce it

To reduce oversharing we need understand the characteristics of the phenomenon and, above all, allow people to be present on social networks with greater awareness. You must be able to recognise, at any time, what is the line not to be crossed and what dangers one faces.

It leads to oversharing when you tend to post too often and when shared content shows private informationfor example where your home is located, your office, your presence in a place or the distance from your home.

Posting too much information can lead to dangerous consequences, such as exposure to the actions of bad actors and at events cyberbullyingdeterioration of personal relationships or effects on one’s professional life.

The solution is not to give up the use of social media, but to have greater sensitivity and understand which posts could be dangerous, even if apparently harmless. It is necessary find a balance a protection of your privacy.

To know more: Social Media, the list of the main social media

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