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Windows 11 allows you to repair your system using Windows Update

Windows 11 allows you to repair your system using Windows Update

Windows 11 allows you to repair your system using Windows Update

Windows 11 retains the tools to restore the system and restore it to the factory configuration previously introduced with Windows 10. As in Windows 10, in fact, Windows 11 also offers Fresh Start and Reset the PC: the first is a function that allows you to reinstall the system from scratch (it is also useful for removing any unwanted components pre-installed by the PC manufacturer) while the second helps to repair the system and solve Windows operating problems without losing personal files and applications.

It is important to understand the difference between the two recovery mode of the operating system because in one case you can reinstall Windows from scratch without even having the support in ISO format or a USB stick at hand; in the other, it is possible to correct any problems without having to reinstall programs or incurring data loss.

Repair Windows 11 system without formatting from scratch, using Windows Update only

The novelty is that in the last Insider Preview (build 25905) of Windows 11 Microsoft engineers have officially introduced the new feature Fix problems with Windows Update. Accessible by typing Recovery options in the Windows 11 search box, then from the same window that allows you to restore at Factory Default Settings, Fix problems with Windows Update use Microsoft updates to do a reset in-place of the system.

Without using the file ISO di Windows 11this new feature – destined to arrive in the stable version of the Microsoft platform – fixes system problems using the content of the latest Microsoft cumulative updates.

This is an additional lifeline that can be exploited in case they are detected anomalies in the behavior of Windows 11: the disadvantage is that one is required network connection.

How fixing Windows 11 problems using Windows Update works

The confirmation came from Amanda Langowski and Brandon LeBlanc, who in a post published on the Microsoft blog describe the functioning of the problem correction mechanism with Windows Update. There system repair via Windows Update, as mentioned above, obviously requires the presence of a working Internet connection.

Unlike the formatting classic, however, the new function keeps installed programs, Windows 11 settings and all user files. The changes applied in phase of automatic repair are summarized in a report displayed on the Windows Update settings page.

As Langowski and LeBlanc explain, however, in order to use the restore windows 11 through Windows Update, you may need to finish installing any pending updates.

The new feature is intended to be added into the operating system with the Moments packages and the feature update of 2023, which is currently expected to be released starting in late September 2023.

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