
BlueSky: the social network introduces private messages between users

BlueSky: the social network introduces private messages between users

Il social network Blueskywhich recently opened its doors to anyone who wants to sign up to the platform, is implementing a series of features aimed at making its ecosystem as user friendly as possible.

These also include the ability to send private messages textual between users. This addition, although basic, enriches an increasingly interesting social network. Not only that: according to what has been leaked, the developers will soon implement the possibility of integrating messages into messages Images e video.

Anyone who wants to send a private message must select thechat icon at the bottom of the display (on mobile) or click on the chat icon in the sidebar (on desktop). By doing so, a new chat will be created and you will be able to search for the specific user you want to communicate with.

Once you have completed your message, just press Send to complete the procedure.

BlueSky implements private messages between users: soon they will also be encrypted

Sending user messages between private individuals, at the moment, is not yet a function that can be defined as “complete” from every point of view.

For example, they are not the same yet crittografati end-to-endalthough the developers’ intention is to integrate this functionality shortly.

Some interesting functions, however, are already present and fully active. For example, it is possible report messages unwelcome and block senders annoying. According to what was revealed, Bluesky’s moderation team can access private chats to investigate any cases of abuse o spam.

Although the social network appears decidedly immature compared to other already established names, it presents itself as a very interesting project. We are talking about a platform microblogging which uses a decentralized protocol and which, in the coming months and years, could cause a lot of talk about itself.

The project recently lost a prominent figure as Jack Dorsey but, despite the lack of a pillar of the platform, the development of Bluesky seems to be progressing smoothly.

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