
It’s decided: VBScript abandoned in Windows in the second half of 2024

It's decided: VBScript abandoned in Windows in the second half of 2024

The birth of VBScript (VBS) is lost in the mists of time. Without being too dignified, VBS was introduced by Microsoft in 1996 as an integral part of Windows NT 4.0, supported by the Internet Explorer 3.0 browser. It is a scripting language, lightweight and immediately usable, which allowed Web developers to create interactive and dynamic client-side pages, using the same basic syntax as Visual Basic. Scripts were inserted into HTML documents, without the need for external programs or components.

Although originally designed for Web pages, VBScript is also widely used outside of this context, especially in Windows system administration.

The script VBSfor example, have found widespread use for the automation of activities and the carrying out of operations on a programmatic basis, both on the server and client side.

The end of VBScript: what it means and what the consequences are

On May 22, 2024, Microsoft announced that it will begin to abandon VBScript starting in the second half of 2024. It will be a progressive process, until support is completely removed in the Windows environment.

Naveen Shankar, program manager Microsoft, spiega che “With the release of new versions of Windows expected this year, VBScript will only be available as an optional feature. It will therefore be completely retired in future releases of the operating system“.

This means that VBS scripts will no longer work by default in a Windows environment in a few months. Anyone wishing to enable VBS code loading can do so by typing Optional features in the search box or by pressing Windows+R then typing optionalfeatures. It is not yet clear which of the two approaches will be usable in practice.

The farewell plan for VBS in three phases

The first phase, as previously mentioned, begins with disabling VBS support by default. The news will coincide with the release of Windows 11 24H2.

The next step will begin in 2027: VBScript will always be available as functionality can be activated on request but it will no longer be pre-installed at the operating system level.

In the last phase, Microsoft will proceed with the permanent withdrawal of support for VBS files: le DLL libraries which today deal with the management of VBScript code, its loading into memory and subsequent execution, will be completely removed from Windows.

VBScript abandoned in Windows

As seen in the prospectus (source: Microsoft), the Redmond company does not indicate explicit dates. Previously, however, the technicians of the company led by Satya Nadella had set the first phase of the VBS withdrawal process for October 2024. However, a historical fact, which comes 30 years after the first introduction of VBScript in Windows.

Microsoft had already arranged the disabling VBScript in Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 10 with the release of the July 2019 cumulative updates.

Why Microsoft decided to kill VBScript

Microsoft has decided to permanently abandon VBScript for several reasons. First of all, the VBS code is still widely used today by malware writer to distribute harmful components on user systems. Mask a file Harmful VBS as a document it is one of the most widespread practices: with a simple double click (especially without caring about the true file extension), you risk seeing your systems immediately infected.

With the evolution of web standards and the adoption of HTML5 and JavaScript, Microsoft has decided to align itself with open standards and industry best practices. JavaScript has established itself as the dominant client-side scripting language for the web.

For it scripting in Sistema and automation in Windows, Microsoft has chosen to promote the use of PowerShell as a more modern and powerful replacement for VBScript. PowerShell offers more advanced features, support for .NET, and improved security.

The month of June 2024 represents another date to mark on the calendar: Microsoft has in fact decided to abandon VBA (Visual Basic for Applications), scripting language still widely used today for the creation of macro per Office.

Opening image credit: – ATHVisions

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