
OpenAI, Google and 14 other companies sign agreement for safer AI

OpenAI, Google and 14 other companies sign agreement for safer AI

On the occasion of theAI Summitan event that is taking place in these hours at Bletchley (UK) e Alone (South Korea), 16 technology companies have signed an agreement for aArtificial intelligence safer.

The agreement includes a refusal to develop AI models that present risks that cannot be sufficiently mitigated. Furthermore, these must present a high level of transparency. The companies that have signed this document include all the big names in the sector, from OpenAI ad Amazonuntil Google, Meta e Mistral AI.

Despite good intentions, it is clear that when we talk about “sufficient risk mitigation” we are talking about something that is very little concrete. This specific definition, it seems, will be the main theme of the next event of this kind, which will be held in France in early 2025.

Amazon, OpenAI, Google and many other companies united to mitigate AI-related risks

Some important British political figures commented on the agreement. For example, the Chancellor Rishi Sunak expressed his full appreciation for the drafting of this document.

For Sunak, in fact “These initiatives ensure that the world’s leading AI companies provide transparency and accountability for their plans to develop safe technology. This sets a precedent for a global standard on AI safety, unlocking the benefits of this transformative technology“.

Also underlining the importance of the treaty is Michelle DonnellanMinister for Science, Innovation and Technology of the British country “The true potential of AI can only be unlocked if we understand its risks“. The United Kingdom is a country that has always shown great attention to security and AI.

This new technology, beyond its positive applications, is increasingly at the center of abuse by cybercriminals regarding campaigns ransomware and other advanced cyber attacks.

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