
Best AI (Artificial Intelligence) Experiment Sites

Best experimental web applications with artificial intelligence capable of thinking like the human brain

Experiments and artificial intelligence Almost all the big tech companies are doing innovative artificial intelligence experiments; it is about web applications that can be opened on both PCs and smartphonescapable of doing simple but special things, which until recently one might have thought were impossible for a computer, which becomes capable of thinking like the brain of a real person.

In the following guide we have collected the best sites for experiments with artificial intelligenceto be used for free to test the quality of the answers to any type of question, mathematical problem or specific request about something we want to know.

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Best sites with artificial intelligence experiments

1) ChatGPT is undoubtedly the best site to test an artificial intelligence chat for free, with a truly impressive quality of answers. On ChatGPT we can really ask anything, even tell stories, create new recipes, create new versions of poems and stories and also create new content out of nothing, as seen in our guide on how to use ChatGPT for creative, useful and fun purposes.

2) Bing Chat is a great alternative to ChatGPT to get fast and easy answers on any kind of request, with the ability to adjust the accuracy of artificial intelligence and also get new images generated with AI. The best way to use Bing Chat is the browser Microsoft Edgewhere the AI ​​chat is integrated into the interface (with the button on the top right).

3) Google Bard instead, it is Google’s answer to the ChatGPT domain. This AI bot provides very fast and quite accurate answers, even if for the moment it only answers in English for the moment and it doesn’t work in Europe (we will have to use a VPN for USA in order to use it).

4) Jasper is an artificial intelligence optimized to create new texts, new content for sites and to generate emails and any other professional content. This experiment can be used for free for 7 days, so you can later decide whether to use the full mode by paying for a subscription.

5) Midjourney is an extension for Discord capable of generating realistic and ultra-detailed images using only text to describe what the bot has to draw for us. The images created are public and can also be used to complement content on the web.

6) Thing Translator is a site that asks you to use your cell phone camera or computer webcam to frame an object or anything else and tell us what it is in all the languages ​​of the world. It is therefore possible to find the right word for each object or thing that is framed and photographed and, this word seen by the application, can be obtained in English, Italian, Spanish and any other language. Automatic recognition of what is framed it doesn’t work well for all the things framed and in fact it is a demonstrative experiment, but it deserves and is very reminiscent of the recognition of hidden tags in Facebook photos, also based on artificial intelligence.

7) Teachable Machine allows you to develop your own machine learning model without the need to code. You can train the artificial intelligence with images, sounds, webcam poses and more, up to being able to create a personal project that can then be used for free and published on your website.

8) Semiconductor allows you to conduct a symphony orchestra using arm movements captured by the webcam. lets do just that. It may seem like a game at first, but the end result is amazing.

9) Autodraw, the Google site that draws itselfan AI experiment that guesses what we’re drawing to be able to complete it before we finish it.

10) Quick Draw is a game that uses artificial intelligence to automatically recognize what is being drawn. The game asks you to draw something and then the computer tries to guess until the drawing becomes more accurate and the requested object is found. It’s like the Pictionary game, only it has to guess what we’re drawing, it’s the computer.

11) Infinite Drum Machine is another fun experiment that is capable of automatically arranging sounds to create a rhythmic basis. We can move the circles on the screen and choose the type of sound effect to use for the base. Even if the names are in English, the map can be enlarged and it is also possible to try at random until a decent base is created.


In addition to the sites and experiments seen so far we can, through artificial intelligence, generate faces of people who don’t exist and create fake photos, with a truly impressive and sometimes disturbing result. Practically all the recommended sites and experiments are free, i.e. we can use them without having to pay anything.

To learn more we can read our guides on how Generate new music with artificial intelligence and you have best AI video generators to create automatic video clips.

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