
Elastic photovoltaics could change clean energy

Il elastic photovoltaic is the latest innovation in the clean energy sector. A of polymer capable of making solar cells with performance never seen before and that could revolutionize an entire sector.

In recent years the sector of renewable energies gave away several technologic innovationsbut in this case there is something more that comes from the very high levels of efficiency fv ed extensibility.

But above all because the elastic photovoltaic polymerbrought to the world by a team of Korean researchersit could become the material underlying products and various electronic devices.

What is elastic photovoltaics

When it comes to elastic photovoltaic reference is made to new materials with superior electrical performance. In the case of the latest research carried out by Korean research group KAIST (from the Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering), the reference is to a polymeric material which could be used for the creation of organic solar cells.

Elastic solar cells stand out from the classics solar panels because of their peculiarity photoactive layer: on the one hand it is equipped with electrical performance notes, which allow him to capture light and transform it into electricity. On the other hand it boasts a particular metallic elasticity and is capable of resist under stress.

The result, according to experts, is simply the highest performing organic solar cell never seen until now. Above all because it seems to overcome the limits historically found regarding theirs flexibility. And that seems to make it much easier to use in the development of wearable electronics systems.

How the elastic solar cell works

The first flagship of the elastic photovoltaic presented by the KAIST working group is characterized by PV efficiency level highest ever recorded (19%), at least in the organic sector.

Added to this is a level of extensibility maximum of approximately 40% during operation. Another monstrous figure, corresponding to approximately ten times the results guaranteed by other devices of this historical period.

Given these results, it is easy to understand theenthusiasm of the researchers of KAIST, led by Bumjoon Kim. The professor admitted having presented what, to date, is the world’s best elastic organic solar cell.

And that the new developed polymer can be used as basic material to realize various types of electronic devices: from malleable to elastic ones.

To date the real ones potential of the elastic solar cell are still to be explored, even if an improvement compared to the photovoltaic panel traditional. And who knows what, in the not too distant future, it may represent a turning point for the clean energy sector.

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