
Genie is Google’s new AI that creates video games

Google Genie it’s the new, awesome one artificial intelligence potentially capable of changing the world of video game entertainment forever.

In fact, Genie is an AI capable of make playable video games in record time and starting from a simple image uploaded by the user.

Il Large Language Model Google Genie was trained with approx 200,000 hours of video which they represented above all game sequences from two-dimensional video games.

Generative AI has proven capable of understanding the formulai mechanisms and the physics underlying the games analyzed and replicate them by following specific prompts.

At the moment Genie is a project that falls within the broader branch of Google search activity. It should therefore not be considered a finished product.

Consequently, it should not be surprising low quality of video games which it has been able to achieve so far. Technically very simple products, with one resolution from just 160×90 pixels and that they last maximum 16 secondswith a speed of approximately 10 frames per second.

What is AI doing for video games?

Google Genie represents only one of the ways in which theartificial intelligence can integrate with the world of video games. Without forgetting that AI has already been used in very successful titles.

A striking case is represented by Alystria AIin the context of games such as Ghost of Tsushima, Cyberpunk 2077 o Red Dead Redemption 2.

In these cases, artificial intelligence has made it possible to elevate the so-called NPC (Non Playable Character) to complete characters like never before, guaranteeing users hours and hours of very high quality dialogue.

Another example of AI applied to video games is represented by Sorawhich is bringing the classic creating photorealistic videos to a next level.

Sora AI actually allows you to move the camera within three-dimensional environments. But also of maneuver characters within these scenes.

What to expect from the future

The experts in the videogame sector are wondering what other results can be achieved byartificial intelligence within videogames.

It is reasonable to think that i worlds generated with AI they will be increasingly rich and interactive. And that the different characters will be able to react to user stimuli in an increasingly varied and detailed manner.

Another challenge to overcome is that of overall quality of the product. Regardless of the style favored by the individual example, both in terms of video what about audio.

Maybe, in the not too distant future, indeed Google Genie will allow users to create the video game in just a few clicks that they prefer.

Enthusiasts will have to do nothing else enter the right prompt per load any element within any environment. But also for change a character’s personality or maybe even to change the game dynamics.

To know more: Artificial Intelligence: what it is and what it can do for us

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