
Google NotebookLM, how the device works based on a linguistic model

NotebookLM could represent a new, very important step forward for theartificial intelligence. And device it’s a software structure created by Google, which integrate a language model.

The most characteristic peculiarity of NotebookLM is its ability to exploit sources load up to train its AI. The user enters documents, notes or notes and the device uses them to become increasingly expert on various topics and sectors.

Added to this are the typical characteristics of agenerative artificial intelligence. In fact, NotebookLM is also capable of create summaries and organize content according to specific criteria. Just as he is capable of generate content from scratch.

What Google NotebookLM is and how it works

google notebooklm

NotebookLM is the name of a Google project focused on artificial intelligence. Formerly known as Project TailwindNotebookLM was born from a rather precise idea: designing a device and its reference software, starting from a linguistic model.

The stated objective is speed up processesespecially those for the processing of any critical information. The same assumption that led to the birth of tools and virtual assistants based on AI and generative AI.

But there is one substantial difference Between NotebookLM of Google ei AI chatbot that we have learned about in recent months. In fact, the device integrates the linguistic model in all notes, notes and sources used.

This means that the user has the possibility to base artificial intelligence by NotebookLM on a series of documents of departure. The result is a totally customized system, which trains and develops experience on the information and sectors most relevant to the individual.

This assumption is also known as rooting of the source. And it allows you to reduce the risk of misinterpretations or “hallucinations” by the speech model.

What you can do with NotebookLM’s artificial intelligence

Fare some practical examples it is probably the most effective way to convey a first idea of ​​the potential of NotebookLM Google.

All the documents added to the device are summarized completely automatically. The system creates a summaryto which he adds a series of key points.

But not only. Also prepare a selection of direct questions to the user, with the aim of understanding the uploaded material as best as possible. Loading increasingly specific notes, memos and documents allows you to train artificial intelligence by NotebookLM.

Added to this is a whole series of functionality more exquisitely generative. NotebookLM is in fact able to use the above information, for create new content.

The nature of these outputs depends on the reference context. We go from works of fantasy, such as novels, poems or video scripts. To the realization of hypotheses on market developments specific.

To know more:

Artificial Intelligence: what it is and what it can do for us

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