
HuggingChat, what it is and how the new rival of ChatGPT works

Since it was launched on the market ChatGPTi AI chatbot have become increasingly common and given the potential of these tools, it is not surprising that more and more companies are carrying out their own projects on the subject.

The latest in time HuggingChatone of the most popular AI tools of recent times that is gradually conquering users, trying to become a worthy rival of artificial intelligence developed by OpenAI.

What is HuggingChat

HuggingChat is a AI chatbot totally open source based on a large language model (LLM) owned by a startup called Mistral AI.

This LLM, called Mixtral8x7Buses a very large amount of data coming mainly from the web but, to be honest, it is trained with not very recent information which should be updated mid-2019.

Naturally, in recent months HuggingChat has received many updates but, inexplicably, some information is still partial and, for example, from the first tests carried out it seems that the chatbot is aware of the Covid-19 and the pandemic but completely ignores the death of Queen Elizabeth or other information such as name change of Twitter in X.

Of course you can change the LLM used by going into the settings: Mixtral8x7B is the default LLM, but the user can opt for other options such as Llama o OpenChatma you will not be able to use ChatGPT LLMscome GPT-3.5 e GPT-4.

In addition to this, however, the positive thing is that the tool does not have (at least at the moment) a limit for tokens, i.e. the number of words that an answer can have, therefore on a theoretical level HuggingChat could also give rather complex results.

How HuggingChat works

The features of HuggingChat are more or less those of any other AI chatbot on the market and the user can ask him to provide different information on a particular topicor of generate generic text useful for any purpose, from emails to newspaper articles.

As already mentioned, at the moment, the only limit of this tool is the updating of the data within it which is still in mid-2019.

Of course this limit can be easily overcome using the function web search, which provides this tool with all the information it needs. However, it is good to remember that functionality must be activated manually by the userby ticking the appropriate box above the chat.

Once you have searched, you will also see a list of sources usedwhich it is possible to explore in detail and even follow the genesis of the result obtained, following the entire path taken by the chatbot to answer a given question.

Finally, as with other tools of this kind, it is also possible to share the results of your work.

Differences between HuggingChat and ChatGPT:

The first difference between ChatGPT and HuggingChat is, as already mentioned, the LLM used, with the OpenAI tool using GPT-3.5 and GPT-4, while the other uses the proprietary Mixtral8x7B model (with the possibility of being changed, as just seen).

HuggingChat is completely free compared to ChatGPT and, furthermore, it is completely open source which could be an added value for many.

With ChatGPT Plus you can use GIVE HER, Search with Bing e Code Interpreterthe other only allows you to use web search for free.

Finally HuggingChat, for now, He has not an application for Android or iOS and offers only the web interface for desktop.

It is possible to try searching for the site from a smartphone but it is not yet possible to use it, which significantly limits the diffusion of this chatbot compared to the competition.

Read more: Artificial Intelligence: what it is and what it can do for us

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