
iCloud Drive silently deletes users’ files: Here’s why

iCloud Drive silently deletes users' files: Here's why

Apple iCloud Drive is a cloud-based storage service that allows users to store, sync and share files and documents between their devices: iPhone, iPad, Mac and Windows PC. As well as providing storage cloud, iCloud Drive simplifies syncing tasks between devices. Users can upload files to iCloud Drive from one device and access them from another. It is also a suitable tool for managing automatic backups with the ability to share the contents of files and folders directly with other users in order to optimize collaboration activities and productivity.

Have you ever come across any anomaly while iCloud Drive is running? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. A well-known consultant in the field of product management, Dominik Mayerclaims to have noticed unexpected behavior when using the Apple service: iCloud Drive can delete user content silently, without therefore showing any warning. Let’s see when and why it can happen.

When iCloud Drive delete user content without notice

Mayer talks about two occasions when he has lost important data because of iCloud Drive. The first time it happened while he was writing a document: i paragraphs just typed they are disappeared suddenly. The second time was during the development of an app with Xcode suddenly starting reporting numerous errors in a piece of code that was previously assuredly problem-free. In short, iCloud Drive has removed many recent file changes.

What happened? Apple service has detected a conflict between files incorrectly detecting the existence of different versions of the same files saved on macOS and iPhone. After that verification, he was unable to merge the changes automatically, even if the files in question had never been opened on the iPhone. However, the same items were present in iCloud because the user had saved them there folder Documents.

The consultant points out that Dropboxfor example, manages version conflicts by showing the list of elements that – by virtue of their respective content – “fight” with each other.

In contrast, iCloud Drive makes no mention of file conflicts – the only possibility for resolve a conflict with the Apple service is to use an editor that supports conflict management. Otherwise, Mayer notes, it is iCloud that decides which version to keep on disk and in online backup.

Consequences and recommendations

The researcher points out that the consequences they can potentially be catastrophic. Over time, i backup latest they overwrite those more old that contain the correct version: thus, the contents are definitively lost. The only way to recover them, as previously highlighted, is to open the files with an editor that supports conflict resolution. Even if you move the file out of iCloud Drive, it may in fact be too late.

Mayer, in short, shines a light on a significant problem with iCloud Drive, underlining that it is crucial to understand how the service handles version conflicts and it is equally essential to take precautions to avoid the loss of important data.

If you frequently make changes to files from multiple devices, it’s important to pair iCloud Drive with one backup solution evolved using the 3-2-1 backup approach. For monitor critical filesFurthermore, Mayer suggests configuring for example the use of a repository Git.

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