
Tips and tricks for using Threads

Threads is the latest social network launched on the web by Meta, the company that owns social platforms, and more, famous all over the world. Designed to challenge X, Elon Musk’s microblogging platform formerly known as Twitter, has already won numerous subscribers all over the world.

Closely linked to Instagram (you must be registered on this platform to use Threads), It has many features similar to X and many that differentiate it from its competitor. Knowing the lesser-known ones allows you to have a pleasant and satisfying experience on the platform and guarantees the possibility of always finding new effective ways to express your ideas and opinions and to interact with registered web users.

On Thread it is possible to create textual content of up to 300 characters each, you can share images, videos and audio and perform many other actions. Let’s discover the most interesting and useful ones.

  • 1. Create long threads

    Expressing everything you have to say in just 300 characters might seem difficult, for this reason the Threads developers have provided the possibility of create linked content and, therefore, series of posts.

    To create a longer thread, composed of two or more sequential posts you need to click on the button that allows you to create new content. Complete the first post by inserting all the elements you want.

    Once you reach the character limit, click on the entry addun thread positioned in the area below the post you are creating. You can now start creating a new post linked to the previous one. You can continue to perform these operations as long as necessary.

    When you’re done creating the content, click Publish. The posts will be published all together and will be linked together so that users can read them in sequence.

  • 2. Don’t just post text-based posts

    I textual posts they are very useful for expressing your thoughts, but it is a good idea to also publish other types of content on the platform if you want to attract users’ attention. Images, videos, GIFs, audio and polls they are always highly appreciated and can encourage an increase in interactions.

    To attach an image, audio, video or to create a poll to a post, simply click on the relevant icons in the post creation area.

  • 3. Hide and silence some words

    For a pleasant and safe experience on the platform, you can choose to silence some words and sentences, especially offensive ones that could offend the user’s sensitivity. These, if the functionality has been activated, are moved to a specific section

    To set hidden words, go to Privacy settings and click Hidden words. click on Yes under the voice Offensive words and phrases to ensure that replies to posts containing offensive words, phrases or emojis are not visible below the content.

    In the same area it is possible to select personalized words or phrases. All those reported by the user, including emoji, they are filtered and made invisible to the user and his followers. Replies containing the indicated phrases remain visible only to the authors and their followers.

    To hide custom phrases, select Yes under the voice Custom words and phrases. To add words or phrases, select the entry Manage custom words and phrases and enter everything you want in the space provided. The list can be updated and modified at any time.

    All settings on hidden words and phrases are also applied to comments the user receives on Instagram.

  • 4. Set reminder to take a break

    When using social networks it is easy to lose track of time and spend more than desired scrolling your feed and viewing content posted by your friends and other users. There is an option on Threads that can help avoid excessive use of the platform and to limit distractions during the day: a reminder to take a break.

    The reminder is not automaticbut must be set by the user himself, based on his needs.

    To set the reminder, access the Threads settings and select the item Account. click on Reminder to take a break. Choose the one you prefer from the various options presented: Every 10 minutes, Every 20 minutes, Every 30 minutes or Never.

    Every time you spend the indicated amount of time at one time on Threads, you will receive the reminder. You can ignore it and continue with your activity on the platform or take a break to do something else.

    To know more: Threads, user guide

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