
WhatsApp, the new features for text and username: what changes

The conversations that take place daily on WhatsApp in every part of the world are many and different. There are work-related ones, which require specific formalities and tools, and those between friends and relatives, which are often creative and fun. The developers’ goal is to provide users with everything they need to personalize communication exchanges and make them highly efficient. For this reason, a new, highly anticipated feature regarding text formatting is arriving.

But it doesn’t end here. Soon WhatsApp will allow the use of a unique and useful username to allow conversations to be started between people who don’t know each other protecting personal datalike the telephone number.

Text and formatting tools, what’s new

Effective formatting tools that allow you to personalize conversations down to the smallest details. This is what we can expect from WhatsApp in the coming weeks, thanks to a feature currently in the development and testing phases, but which will probably soon be made available to all users who use the application on devices supported by the Android operating system .

Among the new tools we will find the code block, designed to let users send and read lines of code within WhatsApp. It will prove particularly useful for programmers and software developers who will be able to use the tool in work conversations and for comparisons with their colleagues.

They can insert quotes, necessary to respond to specific parts of messages received and make chats more understandable. They will be inserted the list, to allow the creation of lists within conversations. The text will be preceded by an asterisk or a dash or by numbers if you want to implement them numbered lists.

New formatting tools will provide an improved and more satisfying user experience. The timing of the release is not yet known, but it could be very short.

Username, the new function to protect personal data

The introduction of the username on WhatsApp will be a real turning point. The feature is currently in the testing phase and will be available for both iOS and Android devices. The great advantage is quickly explained: you will no longer need to share your phone number to start conversationsbut it will be enough to let your interlocutor know your nickname.

The username can be chosen within the profile settings. It must be unique and may contain alphanumeric characters and special characters. Enabling the feature will be optionalbut if you decide to use it, the telephone number will always remain hidden within the chats, provided that the people involved do not already know it and have not already saved it previously.

Using your username is a step towards a greater one privacy protectionan objective actively pursued by WhatsApp.

To know more: Guide to WhatsApp: how to use and install WhatsApp

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