
Introduced USB flash memory capable of storing data for 200 years

Introduced USB flash memory capable of storing data for 200 years


On May 15, 2024, the Blue Steel Storage Devicea USB device that can store and protect data for over 200 years. Small feature linked to this product is the amount of information it can contain, limited to soli 8 Kb.

As explained by Machdynea German manufacturer that offers this accessory, this solution is very different from classic memories flash NAND. This technology offers an excellent relationship between costs and performance, although it has a limitation regarding the possibility of rewriting data within it.

In fact, when we talk about this technology, the life cycle is generally calculated between 16 and 20 years old. Beyond this time, memory can potentially experience occasional data loss. Compared to NAND technology and other similar ones, what Machdyne proposes goes exactly the same reduce the effects of deterioration.

The trick that allows the Blaustahl Storage Device to obtain “eternal youth” fits right into the little space available. In fact, just 8 KB allow us to reduce energy consumption to a minimum and reduce the impact of reading/writing which deteriorates the media.


Data retained for 200 years? Yes, but only 8 KB

The manufacturers claim to have carried out specific tests, with the result that Blaustahl Storage Device is capable of storing data for more than 200 years 35 degrees of temperature.

But what can a memory of just 8 KB contain? To have a conception of such a contained space, it is enough to know what we are talking about 8,000 characterstherefore approximately four pages of a manuscript. This allows you to evaluate this solution, for example, to store passwords, reminders, cryptocurrency private keys and other particular contents.

The support is also sold with a microcontroller chip Raspberry Pi RP2040 e 4 MB NOR flash memory for firmware, all with a built-in text editor.

The price of Blaustahl Storage Device, just under 30 eurosmakes it particularly interesting for those who are familiar with the devices just mentioned Raspberry Pi for possible creative applications of this new and interesting way of conceiving USB flash memories.

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