
Android malware, how to avoid them

The first useful tips for evitare i malware su Android concern the choice of most reliable stores from which to download, and then move on toapp update and the activation of automatic updates.

Android it is a high-performance, stable and generally safe mobile operating system, but they still exist threats capable of compromising itwith the risk of generating a double problem for the user.

On the one hand, simple proliferation of malicious programs into the device, which could suffer more or less serious damage. On the other hand, the possibility of an attacker gaining access to sensitive data e private information.

The easiest way to lower your risk of malware is to download exclusively from the Google Play Store and, in any case, it is very important to pay maximum attention to downloads.

  • 1. Why it is better to download apps from the Google Play Store

    The first tip to follow to avoid malware on Android has to do with installed apps and software on mobile device which should come exclusively from official channels.

    Google Play Store is Android’s proprietary online store. And it’s the safest place to download programswithout running the risk of running into malware of various kinds.

    The Play Store is coming constantly monitored by the Google teamwith the aim of eliminating as many potentially harmful apps as possible.

    Starting from those who risk spread malware on your device of the user and up to those that require excessive permissions. Therefore creating potential risks in terms of online privacy.

    Unfortunately, however, it is not always possible to download Android apps exclusively from the Play Store. Just think about those programs that cannot be downloaded in certain countries, due to censorship or distribution issues.

    The sideloading practice it is generally not recommended, precisely because exposes your device to malware. For this reason, before sideloading, it is essential verify the reliability of the source.

    The ideal in this sense would be to select one page weband site o one APK which tests software from the point of view of IT security. Exactly as happens with Google Play Store apps.

  • 2. How to choose Android malware-proof apps

    Once you have shed light on the sources and places designated for downloading mobile software, it is possible shift focus to appsalways with the aim of minimizing the risk of running into malware per Android.

    The basic advice remains the same as above: prefer official appswhich are generally positioned within the official stores.

    In other words, downloading exclusively software developed by Google o dai smartphone manufacturers IT security risks become almost negligible.

    Things change when you move on to apps developed by third parties. But even here we must not lump everything together, because they exist other safe app stores as much as Google’s.

    But also because there are strategies that allow you to verify the reliability of a developer apparently unknown. Think in this sense about reviews Oh oh feedback left by other users.

    In case it is not possible to obtain preliminary information, it is advisable avoid downloading. Or, if not, does it matter be aware of the risk.

    Finally, they should always be avoided pirated app. Starting from clones of famous appsup to the so-called cracked versions: copies carried out by breaking the security system of the original.

    The pirated app first of all they are illegal. In other words, the user who downloads them commits a crime. And he risks running into more or less heavy sanctions.

    Furthermore, pirated apps are the absolute ones more risky from the point of view of IT security. By downloading them you expose yourself to Android malware, but also to the theft of sensitive information. With the risk of finding yourself involved in identity theft. Or to suffer blackmail by web attackers.

  • 3. More tips to avoid Android malware

    In conclusion, space for further precautions which may prove decisive. For example to those small attentions which allow you to avoid those malware Android in supposedly safe places.

    Think in this sense of those (few) apps that manage to escape controls of the Google Play Store. This is the case of one famous WhatsApp replicadownloaded millions of times by unaware users.

    This app was similar in every way to the original WhatsApp. But it was still possible identify warning signs carefully observing all the information material.

    For this reason it is always advisable read all available information: starting from Product Description and until we get to required permissions to the user.

    Especially the latter often they betray unclear intentions by the developers. Unfortunately there are no universally valid rules to follow. But it is always good to prefer apps that require few permissions to the user or at least require permissions in line with the type of software developed.

    In the end one last common sense practicewhich is not directly linked to the choice of software, but rather to device maintenance.

    To lower the risk of Android malware, it is advisable to run constantly updating apps downloaded and, more generally, always leave them active automatic updates.

    Automatic updates they are vitally important even when they do not implement device performance or functionality. In fact, they are used to fix any bugs or security holes of software.

    Furthermore, app updates and automatic updates allow programs to feed malware databases: lists of malicious programs, which allow developers to protect users with countermeasures of the case.

    To know more:

    • Computer security: guide to safe browsing on the web
    • Android, operating system features

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