
Facebook, profile thefts on the rise: what’s going on?

Facebook, profile thefts on the rise: what's going on?

Il theft of Facebook profiles it is a major concern of users, with the number of cases growing steadily.

Although this social network represents a pillar of the Internet, it does not seem to move at ease when episodes of this type occur. In this regard, there are several users who have been forced to seek help elsewhere, at platforms such as Reddit.

Profile theft cases can involve the simple ban/closure thereof or use for malicious purposes. If for an individual user this can be a problem, for a company it can be a real disaster.

Some scammers use Facebook verified pages to solicit users to download malware. The victim, reassured by the well-known brand, could easily let his guard down and fall into a trap.

Facebook profile theft? An emergency, but not for Meta

Scammers use these Facebook pages by impersonating people and companies. Therefore, it is advised to avoid clicking on links or downloading apps from unverified or suspicious sources.

Despite this being an emergency, however, Facebook seems to have other priorities. In fact, last week the company presented its latest model AI Llama 2 in collaboration with Microsoft.

Meanwhile, some Facebook users continue to receive emails with password reset codes. However, this is a new trap set up by some hackers to steal account details. In a context like this, therefore, preventing profile theft is essential.

How to avoid the theft of a Facebook profile?

Fraudsters usually resort to using fake-looking emails, websites, or messages to trick people into sharing their personal information. However, Facebook says users can protect themselves when they encounter a scam by following these three simple rules.

Avoid hasteis a first step. Scammers try to create a sense of urgency if you don’t take certain actions. We must always act calmly, without getting caught up in the frenzy.

Beware of external links and download files: Scammers might also mention an issue that requires a clic. However, do this simple action on linking (or downloading) files before researching and double-checking the details.

Avoid adding unknown profiles as friends. Cybercriminals often use photos of attractive girls, then initiate a chat dialogue hoping to trick the user into making a faux pas.

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