
Find out where a photo was taken

Do we want to see where a photo of us was taken? Do we want to search for photos taken in a particular place? It can be done on Android and iPhone

Where a photo was taken

Every time we take a photo, information about the place where we took the shot is saved with it, via EXIF ​​data. This means that when we open a photo viewing app (like Google Photo su Android o l’app Photo on iPhone), we can see exactly where a photo was taken or find all the photos taken in a specific place, without having to use dedicated search engines or other useless apps.

In fact, Google Photos allows you to will search for shots based on location or for a specific geographic location on both Android and iPhone.

READ ALSO -> Edit or delete Exif data of photos, images and files

1) Locate photos taken on Android

To see exactly where a photo was taken, simply download the app on your phone Google Photoletting every shot you take synchronize with the cloud.

Once the synchronization is complete, we open the app on our phone, press on one of the available photos, press on the three dots at the top right and scroll down until we find the location added by the phone’s camera app.

Geographic data is stored by the camera only if we have previously activated the geolocation of the photos taken.

But Google Photos offers much more: we can review all the shots taken in one place, apparently based on the data saved in individual EXIF ​​files. To proceed we open the app, press sun at the bottom Collection and open one of the automatic albums created by the app (Viaggo a, Day a, Evening at), thus showing all the photos taken in a specific place or in a specific city.

If we want to search for photos of a specific place, all we have to do is press down on the menu Researchopen the screen Places and search all indexed places; alternatively we can always use the search bar at the top, typing the name of the city, country or place that we have certainly visited in the past.

To learn more we can read our guide on how Google Photos works with editor, search and automatic management.

2) Locate photos taken on iPhone

On iPhone we can use both the app Google Photo (which follows the functions seen in the previous chapter of the guide) or rely on the app Photointegrated into any modern Apple device.

To see exactly where a photo was taken on iPhone we open the app Photolet’s get into the menu Bookshelfpress on a single photo and press down on the “i” icon to view all the information about the shot, including a complete map of the place where the photo was taken.

Very similar to Android we can view all the photos taken in one place by taking us to the menu Bookshelf and opening automatic collections that feature the name of the city, country or place where we took at least two or three photos.

Alternatively we can see the shots taken with iPhone during travel and holidays opening the menu Albumpressing on the collection Places and selecting, on the large map that will appear, one of the boxes present (it may be necessary to zoom in on the whole world to see distant collections or those from trips abroad), in order to view a nice collection of all the photos taken in a single place.

If none of the previous methods work we can always open the menu Fence at the bottom and type the name of a city, a specific place, a tourist attraction or a country, so as to view the geolocalized shots with our search.

For further research we can read our guides on how to find all photos taken on iPhone come on how to search for anything on iPhone.


In this simple guide we have shown you all the power of modern phones when it comes to geolocalized photosin particular if we use the apps recommended by Google and Apple for managing the photos taken (therefore avoiding little-known gallery apps or third-party gallery apps).

If we had the foresight to turn on geolocation in the settings of our camera app (if necessary, it is best to activate it immediately, otherwise this whole guide becomes useless) we can use the Google Photos apps and the iPhone Photos app to see exactly where a photo was taken and also recover all the photos taken in a specific location.

For further information we can read our articles on how to identify objects in images (Android and iPhone) come on how to delete duplicate photos and images on PC and smartphone.

If, however, we wanted to trace the positions reached during our travels, we invite you to read the guides on Facebook location history with map of all movements come on how to track your location and movements at any time with Google Maps.

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