
Google Bard: how to share chats

Sharing Bard AI chats it’s much simpler than it might seem. But be careful of the risk of running into unexpected accidents related to IT security.

Bard is thegenerative artificial intelligence by Google. A 360° assistantwhich can help the user in many different ways: from finding and organizing information, to creating new content.

The Bard AI chat they are the place where the “magic” happens: the space of conversation between human being and tool, in which i prompt inserted they transform into commands and specific operations. The basic usage of Bard is that the conversations with Google Bard remain private. But, by following the right steps, it is possible to share them with other users.

The steps to follow to share Bard AI chats

The first thing to do to share a Bard AI chat is access the interface. Then you need to select the conversation in question and click on the entry named Share.

There are several sharing options to choose from: the first is called Export to Google Docs and allows you to create a new text document that will come saved directly to your Google account.

The second share entry of Google Bard is called Draft in Gmail and redirects directly to email provider. In this way the user finds himself at write an email which has the single AI chat as its body.

One aspect to pay particular attention to is the amount of text to share that is selected. The user can choose between sharing a single Request and response and sharing theWhole chat.

Finally selecting the item named Create public link you get a link ready to be copied and pasted to your liking. For example within a private message, rather than directly on the dashboard of a social network.

More Bard sharing settings

The procedure that allows you to sharing Bard AI chats is not irreversible. All access granted to other users can in fact be revoked in real time.

To cancel sharing a chat you need to click on Settings by Google Bard. Then you need to select the name item Your public links. At this point a new window should appear showing all the chats shared publicly.

Per make all chats private again simply click on the named entry Remove all links. Alternatively it is possible select the individual conversation and then click on the item named Remove public link. The latter is generally positioned next to the trash can icon, which allows you to delete the chat.

Be careful though, deleting shared chats on Bard should not be confused with one safety practice. In this sense the general advice is always the same: minimizeas far as possible, sharing sensitive information or personally through web messaging tools.

Also because the same team Google he admitted he had indexed by mistake some conversations with his AI. An operation that could have harmed the user privacy involved.

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