
Google Maps: news for Apple, more detailed maps, toll prices

In the past few hours, Google has released a full-bodied changelog of improvements for Google Maps, among which stand out among guidelines in particular which, put together, will simplify travel planning and improve cartographic consultation.
Google Maps: news for Apple, more detailed maps, toll prices

After the avalanche of news for productivity, Google has also planned a series of improvements for its cartographic navigation platform, better known in the century as Google Maps which, ipso facto, will benefit from the exploration of maps and simplification which will also involve travel planning.

Thanks to the information available for approximately 2,000 roads, starting from countries such as the USA, Germany, India and Indonesia (to later involve other countries), Google Maps (for Android and iOS) will provide data on toll pricing, drawing on parameters such as ” time and day of travel of a stretch of toll road, and the payment method used (telepass or other): in this way, it will be possible to plan a journey by estimating in advance what the expected costs for the journey of a given toll section.

In relation to Apple devices, first of all – by updating GMaps to the latest version – you will be able to take advantage of the new widgets: while you are behind the wheel you can, for example, view at a glance the suggested itinerary and the estimated time of arrival, from Home of iOS it will be possible to access the trips listed in the Go Tab by passing through the memorized trips widget while, relying on the reduced search widget, with a simple tap you can start navigation to the most frequent destinations or start the search for favorite places .

From Apple Watch it will be possible to use the special “Take me home” complication to start navigating to the home from the wrist and, again in a few weeks, it will no longer be necessary to put your hand on the iPhone to start navigation, since just touch the ‘special shortcut in the Google Maps app for your Cupertinian wearable in order to obtain the indications of Google Maps using your Apple Watch.

Also in relation to Apple, a path has been undertaken, destined to culminate in a first stage towards the summer (when there will be a better search with Siri), which will lead to the integration of Maps in the Commands app, in Spotlight and precisely in Siri. , for which it will be enough just to pronounce a few requests, such as “Hey Siri, search in Google Maps” or “hi Siri, get directions in Google Maps”, to access the info of the Google cartographic platform.

In some unspecified countries, recovering a bipartisan perspective that will involve Android such as iOS, Android Auto such as Apple CarPlay, a greater level of detail will arrive for the maps: specifically, along the route the stops and traffic lights will appear evident, the areas of interest and even the contours of the buildings and, in some cities, it will also be possible to perceive the road islands, the quays, the shape and width of the roads.

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