
Google pays Apple 36% of the revenue generated by searches on Safari

Google pays Apple 36% of the revenue generated by searches on Safari

The Department of Justice’s antitrust prosecution against Google currently underway is proving to be – as has already happened in similar situations – an opportunity to learn “secret” information about the technology giants.

In the last few hours, for example, it has emerged that theagreement between Apple and Google related to the default search engine on the iPhone and not only does it translate for the first time into a revenue equal to 36% of total revenue generated from searches conducted on the Safari browser. The news comes from the digital pages of Bloomberg.

Why Apple is involved in the antitrust case against Google

As already underlined in this in-depth analysis, the name of the Cupertino company popped up because the iPhone – its flagship device – is the most successful smartphone in the United States and uses Google as your default search engine.

To hold on to this undoubtedly privileged position, Big G would pour about 20 billion dollars every year into Apple’s coffers (around 15% of Apple’s total annual profits). An agreement involving such figures and involving two companies of the caliber of Apple and Google could only attract the attention of the Department of Justice.

iPhone - Google Search

The accusation leveled against Google is one of behavior anticompetitive. By paying the above amount, the Mountain View giant would in no way allow competing search engines to be truly competitive. He is of this opinion Satya NadellaCEO of Microsoft, the same company that tried – without achieving any results – to sell Bing to Apple.

Eddye Cue, head of Apple services, also testified at the trial and stated that Google is the default search engine on iPhone (but also iPad and Mac) because it is the best option and there is no valid alternative.

In the event that Google loses the case (and it could happen), the agreement with Apple will necessarily have to be reviewed.

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