
How to know if a message has arrived

Receive confirmation of receipt of a message we have sent by SMS, Whatsapp, Telegram and Facebook

Know if message has arrived

When we send a message on WhatsApp, on Telegram or on any other app that allows sending messages, the first thing that always worries the sender is knowing in advance whether the recipient has received the message and whether he has correctly viewed it.

This “answer anxiety” has grown enormously in the era of WhatsApp, especially since the famous blue ticks were introduced. To summarize, let’s see how to know if a message, SMS, Whatsapp, Telegram or Facebook Messenger, has arrived at its destination, showing, for each app, the options to activate to have a confirmation of receipt.

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1) SMS messages

Even if no one sends SMS messages anymore, they are the only method that provides precise information on the correct sending of the message, given that it supports delivery confirmations (which were once paid as normal SMS, but today with practically infinite SMS we can always leave it active).

To activate this function on Android phones we open the app Messages of our phone, press on our profile icon at the top right, press on Messages settingswe open the menu Advance and activate the switch next to the item Receive SMS delivery confirmations.

To activate the same function on iPhone we open the app Settingslet’s get into the menu Messages and activate the switch next to the item Send reading receipts.

2) WhatsApp

On WhatsApp, receiving messages is subject to the privacy settings of the person we chat with: the famous blue ticks are often deactivated by people to prevent them from revealing too much about how we manage chats and when we read and when we don’t want to respond.

The delivery of the message, however, is always visible: to check all we have to do is hold down the message we sent in a chat, press on the three dots at the top right, press on Info and check the column Delivered to.

If instead we wanted the reading confirmation it is best to keep the blue ticks activethe only method if we want to see the blue ticks of other users (the function is not divisible, so we have to “give to get”).

To proceed, we open the WhatsApp app on our phone, press on the three dots at the top right, and select Settings (or alternatively we press directly on Settings bottom right on iPhone), open the menu Privacy and we activate the voice Read receipts.

From the same screen we can adjust the function Last seen and online, so as to make it even more visible when we are online and when we are hidden. To learn more we can read our guides on how to disable the read receipt (blue ticks) on WhatsApp come on how to hide confirmations, login, image, info and status on WhatsApp.

3) Telegram

On Telegram we can find out the receipt of a message is very simple, since it’s all based on the presence of double ticks; therefore, if we see the double ticks next to the message we will be sure that the message has been received, even if we have no other graphic details to understand if it has actually been read (since there are no double blue ticks like on WhatsApp).

To learn more we can read the article ai Telegram tricks, secrets and hidden options.

4) Facebook Messenger

If we use Facebook Messenger we can know if a message has arrived just by seeing how the recipient’s image scrolls in the message column: as soon as his image scrolls down we will be sure that the message has arrived and has been read.

We can gain greater control over this function by opening the app on our faithful smartphone, pressing the profile picture at the top left, pressing the gear icon, opening the menu Activity status and activating both items present (Shows when you are active e Shows when you are both active).

On the same topic we can read the guides we can read the guide on how to disable the read confirmation of Facebook messages.


This guide should be kept in mind for all users “anxious” to know whether a message has been correctly read or not. The safest method is certainly the one that involves the use of SMS, but also on Telegram, WhatsApp and Messenger we can always find out if a message has arrived or not.

If, however, we wanted to obtain email reading confirmations, we invite you to read the guides above How to know if an email is read come on how to receive read confirmation Email when received and opened.

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