
Instagram, how to create a broadcasting channel

After a long wait, which began the moment they were announced, channels have finally been released on Instagram. This is an extremely innovative feature, which, come Instagram Notespromises to change the way people communicate on the platform.

Many users have already started experimenting and using this new tool, while others remain hesitant. have no fears, they are extremely simple and intuitive and also suitable for those who are less familiar with digital platforms and social networks.

Broadcast channels, all the details of the new function

Broadcast channels are groups that users can subscribe to receive information on a specific topic or theme or updates from companies, bodies, organizations and public figures.

Communication is essentially one-way. The channel administrator sends a message, which can be text or a multimedia element, and channel subscribers can respond with reactions (hearts, smiles and much more).

Channels they are all public. This means that any user registered on Instagram can find them easily. To be able to follow them, however, you must be a follower of the account that created the broadcast channel.

How to create a broadcast channel

Creating a broadcasting channel is easy, both if you perform the procedure from devices supported by the iOS operating system and those equipped with Android. It is necessary be subscribed to Instagram and log in with your credentials.

Go to the private messages areaby tapping on the appropriate icon located at the top right of the screen and clicking on the button that allows you to create messages, located in the right corner of the screen.

click on Create Broadcast Channel. At this point it is necessary to choose the name of the channel. It is advisable to identify one that is easy to memorize and that makes it clear immediately what will be talked about inside. You need to select the type of audience for the channel and whether to show it in your profile. Finish the creation by pressing on Create Broadcast channellocated at the bottom of the screen.

To encourage users to subscribe, yes can share a channel invite in their storiesusing a special sticker. All followers of the admin will receive a notification that the channel has been created.

All users can access channels or create them. If the feature is still not available, try updating Instagram or wait a few more days.

To know more: How to use Instagram, the guide to use it to the fullest

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