
Mac to change: here are the signs to pay attention to

Slowdown of the system, crash frequent, short duration of drums, overheating of the Mac. These are just some of the signs that suggest that the time has come replace an Apple device. But there are many other aspects to pay attention to.

Think in this sense of everything that does not touch the sphere of software problemsnor that of hardware problems of your Mac. For example, the inability to continue performing updates macOS more or less important.

Problems with apps and updates

A first category of signals to pay attention to has nothing to do with Mac hardware problemsfrequent crashes or situations of system slowdownbut they still represent a first alarm bell.

The first thing to look at to understand whether or not to change your Mac is the frequency of updates. If your device receives fewer updates than usual, it’s safe to assume that it is nearing the end of its life.

If it Mac it stops definitely to receive updates from Apple, it is a good idea to consider its replacement. Another element to pay attention to in this sense is the type of update.

Usually i major update per macOS they are also distributed for models produced 4 or 5 years earlier. But the software support doesn’t end there. In fact, Apple continues to update the last three versions of macOS in circulation, even if in this case it is updates minorswhich they correct bug in the system and improve the IT security.

Another sign of Mac obsolescence is related to the inability to to execute determinate app or determined programs. But in this case the reasons behind this limit can be multiple. From the lack of RAM memoryall effective software incompatibility concerned with your macOS update.

Problems with your Mac software or hardware

Another category of signs that suggest a Mac replacement has to do with effective problems: which can concern both the software how muchhardware of the Mac.

One of the most widespread is the lack of storage space available. Which, however, can be easily solved by moving particularly heavy files to iCloudor perhaps by transferring them into a hard disk esterno. All without ever forgetting about cleaning the device: from deleting useless filesto the monitoring of Basket.

Another unmistakable sign of the obsolescence of an Apple laptop is the battery life. Which can lead to both a significant reduction inautonomy of the deviceand to apparently incomprehensible situations of Mac overheating.

Finally, it is important to pay due attention to others small, big problems with the hardware: think in this sense of physical damage that could concern the trackpad rather than it screen.

In these cases it is important to understand if it is possible repair the single component and if the cost of the operation is adequate compared to the market value of the device.

To know more: MacOS, features, specifications, names, versions

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