
Shotcut 24.01: new version of the free video editor released

Shotcut 24.01: new version of the free video editor released

In the past few hours, the latest version of the open source video editor has been officially released Shotcut. This update is already available on the stable channel for systems GNU/Linux, macOS e Windows. One of the most important innovations of Shotcut 24.01 is the implementation of aAPI audio (in voice Player Of Settings) on Linux and Windows systems to make the command line option –SDL_AUDIODRIVER available in the Settings menu. Furthermore, new ones have been introduced backup options to create backups on a daily (default), hourly, or weekly basis. Additionally, support for is also available multiple selections for the function “to share” are Playhead. This version also adds the options “Loop” ( \) e “Set loop interval” to the player menu and controls, a multiple selection system saved in “Group/Ungroup” in the Timelinefilters, but also pause and resume options in the context menu under “Jobs”.

Shotcut 24.01: the other new features of the update

Another new feature in Shotcut 24.01 is the “Other versions” Of File. This helps users to find project files with similar names in the same folder created by Shotcut’s backup or restore mechanisms. There is also a button “Previous” in the dialog box “Application log” Of View to access the file log created by the previous app session. Additionally, the new version of Shotcut includes a “Copy” for all text viewer dialogs that works the same way as context menu actions “Select all” e “Copy”. Finally, the timeline has also been updated with the “Avanti”, “Backwards” e “Split all tracks in the playhead”, accessible from the section Edit.

As expected, they were Fixed numerous bugs to improve various features of the software, such as 10-bit export with encoder NVENC (NVIDIA), distortion mode in GPU filter “Size and location”, proxy generation with NVENC when enabled “Use hardware encoder” in Settings. Additionally, saving files has been improved frame B in custom export presets with hardware encoder. Finally, the problem relating to the activation of “Use hardware encoder” (in Export) which no longer reset all options to their default values. To find out all the news in the changelog and to download Shotcut 24.01 you can consult the project’s Github page.

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