
Threads, user guide

Threads is the latest social network launched by Meta Platforms, already owner of highly successful platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp. It is a microblogging service very similar to X (formerly known as Twitter) that all web users can access for free through their Instagram account. The two social networks are, at least for the moment, closely connected to each other.

After the launch, Threads has aroused the curiosity of numerous web users, who started downloading the application to test its numerous features. Threads, in a short time, has proven to be an excellent communication tool that could attract an ever-increasing number of subscribers.

Let’s find out that what is Threads, how to download it, how to use it safely and protecting your privacy and how to delete your account.

  • 0. What is Threads and its features

    threads e instagram

    Threads it is a microblogging platform and a real social networkthrough which web users can express opinions and points of view, exchange messages, discover news and participate in group, public and private conversations.

    The platform was born as response to Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter, which subsequently changed its name and made changes that left many members dissatisfied. Meta thus decided to create an alternative and, in 2023, began developing Threads.

    Threads has officially launched on July 5, 2023, in more than 100 countries excluding the European Union. Users resident in EU states have in fact had to wait several months, until December 2023as the platform did not comply with current regulations.

    You can take advantage of Threads through a standalone application, but the social network is strongly linked to Instagram. To access, interact and publish content you need to have an Instagram account.

    Alternatively, you can access the platform without having a profile, preventing Instagram information from being used for its creation, but encountering numerous limitations. Those who do not have an Instagram account and a Threads profile can only view content, but cannot publish new posts, interact and view suggestions and advice. Furthermore, you cannot follow users and perform other operations on the platform.

    Anyone who decides to log in without creating a profile can change their choice at any time and create one

    Su Threads you can publish threads, reply to those made by others, like, reshare, quote, follow the profiles deemed most interesting and be, in turn, followed. The types of content that can be shared on the platform are different: images, audio, video, photos, texts, both individually and in combination with each other.

    Each post can contain texts up to a maximum of 500 characterswhile videos cannot exceed five minutes.

    Threads allows you to set a helpful reminder which reminds the user that the time has come to take a break when they spend too much time continuously on the platform. It can be set every 10 minutes, every 20 minutes or every 30 minutes. The reminder can be removed at any time by setting it to May.

    A very useful function that allows interaction even between users who speak different languages ​​is that of automatic translation of posts. Based on the selected language settings, you can obtain translations of the contents into different languages ​​in a few seconds by clicking a specific icon located at the bottom right of the content.

    For further information: Threads also arrives in Europe, how it works

  • 1. How to download Threads and sign up to the platform

    scaricare threads

    Threads can be used by desktopby accessing via the official website of the social network, or through the application which can be downloaded for free on both mobile devices supported by the iOS operating system and those equipped with Android.

    To download the application you need to go to the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store and locate and download the official one

    Launch the application or connect to the official Threads website. Click on the entry Continue with Instagram. If you do not have an Instagram account you must necessarily create one by launching the Instagram app or connecting to the site and pressing on the item subscribe. You will need to indicate a mobile number or email address, name and surname, the username and password you intend to use.

    After indicating your Instagram credentials on Threads, you need to authorize the platform to create a profile starting from the information retrieved on Instagram and accept the conditions and privacy rules of the platform. To do this you need to click Authorize and create profile.

    At this point, it is possible customize your Threads profile. The name cannot be changed, but will be identical to the one indicated on Instagram. You can insert a profile picture by selecting it from the library or importing it from Instagram, write a short bio (or import it from Instagram) and add a link to your site. Profile customizations can be changed at any time.

    If you choose profile images, biography or links different from those inserted on Instagram, no changes will be made on the latter platform. Similarly, the profiles you follow or follow on Threads will not affect those you follow or are followed on Instagram. Verification badges obtained on Instagram, on the other hand, are also shown in your Threads profile information. As you can imagine, i two social networks can be used independently of each other.

    Next, you need to indicate the privacy settings you prefer. Yes it can opt for a public profile, which can be viewed by anyone, both inside and outside Threads, in all its parts, or for a private Profile. In this case, only followers approved by the user can see the published content and interact.

    To facilitate interactions, Threads allows following the same accounts you follow on Instagram. You can select them all with a single click, indicate them individually, or proceed without following any account. It is also possible to follow people who are not yet registered on the platform: you become their follower as soon as they register.

    It’s important to know that it’s possible create a profile on Threads for each Instagram account you own. By adding multiple profiles, you can switch between them using your credentials.

    For further information: How to create an Instagram account

  • 2. How to create and view a thread


    Once you have registered you can start publishing a first thread and interacting. The thread is the main content of the platformwhich is published by users and appears both in their personal profile and in the feed.

    Posts shared by other profiles appear in the feed. You can monitor the section For youwhere you can find posts from followed users and those from recommended profiles, or the section Followedwhere only threads created by profiles of which you are a follower are shown.

    A thread can consist of text, images, links, videos, audio recordings, polls, or a combination of these elements

    Whether a thread spreads depends on your profile’s privacy settings. If I publish, it is potentially viewed by those who are followers of the user and by those who, according to the Threads algorithm, may be interested in the content.

    A thread can be published from both the desktop and the platform application. To start creating a Thread from PC you need to click on the appropriate button located at the top of the screen. If you use the app, the button is located at the bottom.

    By clicking on the relevant icons, you can attach images or videos to the post. You can insert up to 10 elements including photos and videos. It is allowed insert GIFs or, if you use the application, a voice recording to its content.

    To add a recording press on the microphone icon and tap the red button to start recording. Press the red button again when you finish recording.

    Before publishing a new post, you can decide who is authorized to respond. You can select the item Anyone can answer to the survey, and do not apply restrictions, or indicate Profiles you follow o Only profiles mentioned.

    Polls can be placed in both threads and thread replies. When one is created, a question must be inserted and possible answers added. They can be used default options, such as Yes or No, or customize various options. You are allowed to add up to four options of up to 25 characters each.

    The survey, once published, features a countdownwhich shows the time users have left to give their response. The duration of a survey is 24 hours.

    Threads, both your own and those of others that do not have privacy limitations, can also be shared on Instagram, both in the Feed and in the Stories, by clicking on the share button located at the bottom of the content. They can also be shared on Messenger, WhatsApp, via messages or links or on other external applications.

    All published posts can be deleted, but it is good to keep some rules in mind. If a thread is deleted, the published answers would continue to exist and be visible.

    Posts and replies can be edited, but only within five minutes of their publication. You are only allowed to edit the text of a thread or reply, but you cannot attach new…

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